Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, in short EEA, is an ecosystem where scientists and engineers from different fields of microsystems, electrical engineering and automation work together to solve the most challenging scientific problems in the fields of energy and environment, as well as health and wellbeing.

We offer excellent education and top-quality research conditions.  



The Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation (EEA) focuses on three research areas: Power Systems and Energy Conversion, Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, and Health Technology.

The department is a major player in Aalto University’s Energy Efficiency Research programme AEF.
Also the Aalto ePowerHub is part of the EEA department.

Power Systems and Energy Conversion

We develop new methods, devices, and systems for substantially increasing the share of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, focusing on making renewables, energy storage, and digital services the essence of power systems.

Electric Drives

Electric drives play an important role, e.g., in a large number of industrial applications, electric and hybrid vehicles, elevators, and robotics. Electric drives are systems where the electric motors or generators are controlled by power-electronic converters (such as a frequency converter).

Electric drives


Advancing research in the interdisciplinary field of electromechanics at three different aspects: theoretical, numerical, and experimental.

Stator Machine only Picture Group electromechanics

Illumination Engineering

Lighting research group’s fundamental goal is to advance the research and education of illumination engineering and electrical building services.

Illumination engineering

Power Electronics

Our research and innovation efforts on industrial and power electronics are taking place at three complementary levels: algorithms, methods, and applications.

Industrial and power electronics

Metrology Research Institute

Professor Erkki Ikonen

Multi-energy System Planning and Operation

Assistant Professor Li Zhengmao

An illustration showing different ways of producing energy, and different means of transport .

Power and Energy Systems

Power and Energy Systems

Sector Coupling

Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering

The focus areas of research in power systems and high voltage engineering are distribution networks, their system solutions and reliability engineering, power system components´ load capacity and ageing, control and monitoring systems including computer applications, automation and communication solutions, end use analysis and power quality.

Power systems and High Voltage Engineering

Renewable Energies for Power Systems

The mission of the Renewable Energies for Power Systems group is to pursue groundbreaking work in the generation, transmission, distribution, management, and consumption of electricity.

Renewable Energies for Power Systems

Smart Building Technologies and Services

The aim of the group is to advance research and teaching within smart buildings.

Aalto smart building research group

Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems

In these research groups, we develop generic methodologies and practices focusing on distributed and networked control systems, field robotics, intelligent robotics, robotic instruments, industry automation systems, and automation software for distributed systems.

Automatic Control

The research done by the automatic control group is based on a firm knowledge of system theory, control engineering, simulation methods, optimisation methods, numerical algorithms, and so forth.


Autonomous Systems

The group's research focuses on heavy duty semiautonomous machines and autonomous mobile robotics, mainly in agriculture and forestry.

Autonomous systems Group

Cyber-physical Systems

The cyber-physical systems group develops novel machine learning and control methods for networked multi-agent systems.

Cyber-physical Systems

Distributed and Networked Control Systems

We are now witnessing an explosion in networked systems: everything is connected and massive amounts of devices are required to be coordinated.

Aalto-yliopisto, liput / kuvaaja: Aino Huovio

Information Technologies in Industrial Automation

The group's research focuses on the engineering of software-intensive automation systems.

Industrial gripper picture

Intelligent Robotics

Intelligent Robotics group performs research in robotics, computer vision and machine learning.

Intelligent robotics

Mobile Robotics

Safe, Efficient and Legible Robot Navigation in Challenging, Shared Environments


Nonlinear Systems and Control

The research interest of the Nonlinear Systems and Control group lies in the intersection of Control theory and Machine Learning: We aim to synergistically combine tools from nonlinear systems, stability theory, robust & optimal control along with machine learning and optimization techniques, to create systems with provable guarantees on safety and performance.

Nonlinear systems and control: The intersection of Control theory and Machine Learning.

Robotic Instruments

The robotic instruments group develops miniaturized robotics and fine objects manipulation technologies.

Micro- and nanorobotics

Robot Learning

The Aalto Robot Learning (RL) research group operates in the intersection of artificial intelligence and robotics. In particular, we focus on reinforcement learning, robotic manipulation, decision making under partial observability, imitation learning, and decision making in multi-agent systems.

Aalto Robot Learning research group

Health Technology

We develop technologies for improved and predictive diagnostic tools and efficient therapeutic methods and offer new analytical techniques for basic medical research focusing on making medical solutions that enable personalised treatments, homecare and data driven clinical decisions.

Bionic and Rehabilitation Engineering

Bionic and Rehabilitation Engineering (BaRE) research group investigates engineering techniques for human-machine interfacing in order to support, augment and rehabilitate human motor function. Through advancements in basic physiology, motor control, and biomechanics, we tailor novel biosensing and control approaches, as well as design methodologies in order to push the boundaries of current state-of-the-art bionic limbs, exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots.

Human hand, robot hand

Electromagnetics in Health Technology

The group develops computational methods for multi-physics modelling of the human body.

Electromagnetics in Health Technology

Electronics Integration and Reliability

The research in the Electronics Integration and Reliability (EILB) is focused on new materials, heterogeneous integration, reliability, and sustainability of electronics.

EILB group

Microsystems Technology

Microsystems technology is a truly multidisciplinary research area. It is based on physical and analytical chemistry, biology, microelectronics, materials science, physics and biomedical technology.

Main image

Sensor Informatics and Medical Technology

Research of the group focuses on sensor informatics, adaptive signal processing, data fusion systems, and machine learning (including AI), especially for medical applications. Other applications include smartphone sensor fusion, robotics, positioning systems, target tracking, biomedical imaging, and many other indirectly measured time-varying systems.



The department offers a Master’s degree programme in the above focus areas and is heavily involved in the teaching and education in other cross-disciplinary programmes as well. Department also participates in the school-wide doctoral education as can be seen in our Doctoral dissertations.

Automation and Electrical Engineering, Master of Science (Technology)

The Master’s Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering prepares its graduates to perform in the intersection between hardware and software, ranging from the fields of Electrical Engineering and Energy sectors to Biomedical Engineering, Control Engineering and Robotics. Drawing from extensive research and fundamental theories in mathematical and natural sciences, the programme focuses on the applicable side of technologies, including topics like Autonomous Systems, Health Technology, Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Solutions.

Students of School of Electrical Engineering around a robot.

Become a doctoral researcher at the School of Electrical Engineering

Doctoral education will prepare you for the most demanding expert positions in your field in the academia, companies and public administration. Start here if you’re interested in doctoral studies!

Woman Elec Aki-Pekka Sinikoski

Latest news

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ELEC Award Ceremony and Christmas Lunch 2024 awarded for the most exceptional achievements

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Microwave Anechoic Chamber
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Micronova. Photo: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University

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Tutkimukseen liittyvät sopimukset

Winter Satellite Workshop 2025

The Winter Satellite Workshop 2025 will take place in Otaniemi, Dipoli, from Tuesday to Thursday, 21-23. January. The event is the largest New Space event in Finland and other Nordic and Baltic countries.
 Tutkimustyössä hyödynnetään Aalto-yliopiston radiokaiutonta huonetta Otaniemessä. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio Tutkimustyössä hyödynnetään Aalto-yliopiston radiokaiutonta huonetta Otaniemessä. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Mikko Raskinen

100 years of radio technology in Finland

The first professorship in radio engineering started in Finland exactly 100 years ago. Instead of August 2024, the celebrations will take place in January 2025 at the Winter Satellite Workshop, the largest new space event in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Head of department

Professors and Lecturers

Ville Kyrki

Ville Kyrki

T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Marko Hinkkanen

Marko Hinkkanen

T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Ivan Vujaklija

Ivan Vujaklija

Assistant Professor
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Shankar Deka

Shankar Deka

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Vesa Vuorinen

Principal University Lecturer
Petri Kärhä

Petri Kärhä

Principal University Lecturer
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation

Robert Millar

Senior University Lecturer
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation

Where to find us

Maarintie 8

Maarintie 8

Maarintie 8

Health Technology House

Otakaari 3 & Rakentajanaukio 2

Otakaari 3


Tietotie 3

Micronova cleanroom kuva: Aino Huovio

Startup Hub A Grid

Otakaari 5
Open for members 24/7

A Grid main entrance

Aalto Factory of the Future

The Aalto Factory of the Future is an infrastructure to support innovation in future industrial automation, industry 4.0 & 5.0 and beyond. It allows test and trials of advanced technologies, such as future wireless communication (5G / Wifi6 and beyond) in industry.

Aalto Factory of the Future videowall


Puumiehenkuja 5

Main entrance to the Viima building
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