Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and minor studies at both bachelor's and master's levels and provide doctoral research training. Our graduates have been recruited by universities, research institutes, governmental agencies as well as companies in the financial, energy and transportation sectors.

Green plastic triangle on a white board,
Aalto University / Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

For full information on the department, visit:

Our research groups:


Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
Press releases Published:

In low-hierarchy organisations, even key policy issues are discussed in Slack

In a recent study, Aalto University alumn Lauri Pietinalho, a visiting scholar at New York University's Stern School of Business, and Frank Martela, an assistant professor at Aalto University, investigated how low-hierarchy organisations deal with shared policies in confrontational situations and how authority functions within them.
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Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Getting bacteria into line

Physicists use magnetic fields to manipulate bacterial behaviour
Campus Published:

Campus for people, plants and pollinators

The Otaniemi campus nature is managed with respect to biodiversity and the characteristic species of habitats.
border crossings 2020
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Nordic researchers develop predictive model for cross-border COVID spread

The uniquely multinational and cross-disciplinary research was made possible by transparent data-sharing between Nordic countries.


Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Diego Subero Rengel

Quantum transport and phase transitions in superconducting systems (title of the thesis)
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Fabio Priante

Structure discovery in AFM of ice and in water (title of the thesis)
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Computer Science, M.Sc. (Tech) Ana Maria Triana Hoyos

From Scans to Reality: Effects of Preprocessing and Daily Behavioral Patterns on fMRI Brain Connectivity (title of the thesis)
Abstract black and white illustration, text Life in Academia in the middle
Lectures and seminars

Life in Academia

Life in Academia is a series of talks where experiences are shared, lessons are learned, and new perspectives are embraced.
Frank Martela: Meaningful work - Strengthening inner motivation at work

Where to find us

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