Janne Seppänen

Professor of Practice
Professor of Practice
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Full researcher profile

Research groups

  • Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, Professor of Practice


Frequency-Domain System Identification of a First Order Governor-Turbine Model from PMU Ambient Data

Jin Kwon Hwang, Janne Seppänen 2023 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2023 - Proceedings

Generator Inertia Estimation in the Frequency Domain Using Ambient Data of the Rotor Speed and Electrical Power

Jin Kwon Hwang, Janne Seppanen 2023 2023 IEEE PES 15th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC 2023 - Proceedings

On the Relationship between Inter-Area Modes and Power System Inertia

Janne Seppänen, Matti Lehtonen, Jin Kwon Hwang 2023 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2023 - Proceedings

On the Relationship between Ultra Low Frequency Oscillation and Power System Inertia

Janne Seppänen, Matti Lehtonen, Mikko Kuivaniemi, Liisa Haarla 2023 2023 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2023

Forced Oscillation and Inter-Area Mode Resonance-Effect of the Location of the Oscillation Source

Janne Seppanen, Matti Lehtonen, Mikko Kuivaniemi, Liisa Haarla 2022 2022 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2022

Long Term Characteristics of Ultra Low Frequency Oscillations in the Nordic Power System

Janne Seppanen, Matti Lehtonen, Mikko Kuivaniemi, Liisa Haarla 2022 Proceedings of 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2022

An LSTM model for power grid loss prediction

Jarkko Tulensalo, Janne Seppänen, Alexander Ilin 2020

Bayesian Approach in the Modal Analysis of Electromechanical Oscillations

Janne Seppanen, Siu Kui Au, Jukka Turunen, Liisa Haarla 2017

Operational experiences of WAMS-based damping estimation methods

Janne Seppanen, Antti Juhani Nikkila, Jukka Turunen, Liisa Haarla 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society PowerTech Conference, PowerTech Manchester 2017