Aalto Factory of the Future

Aalto Factory of the Future

The Aalto Factory of the Future is a facility for innovation and education of future industrial automation, industry 4.0 & 5.0 and beyond. It is a space shared by humans, robots and production stations, which serves as a platform for projects in the area of advanced information technologies applied to future production systems. It focuses on achieving revolutionary high flexibility by exploiting the architecture of modular autonomous intelligent production units. We aim to achieve high sustainability and improve the wellbeing of the workers by introducing data-driven models that enable human-centric real-time workflow optimization.

We are interested in enabling technologies for production systems that include: Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 architecture, Industrial Internet of Things, human-machine interaction, wireless communication (5G, Wifi6), edge/fog/cloud computing paradigms, virtual integration, digital twins, remote commissioning, operation and predictive maintenance, human-robot collaboration, simulation, virtual and augmented reality. We invite companies and other stakeholders to collaborate with us!

Aalto Factory of the Future videowall
Industrial machine and person coding

Research Focus

From a research and innovation perspective the main capability of the Aalto Factory of the Future is focused on software architecture for industrial automation. We are particularly working on integrating flexible concepts for software deployment and reconfiguration with IIoT, digital twins and recent trends in IT-technology. Our research focuses on optimizing the collaborative production systems by developing human-centric dataflow using wearable IoT, affecting ergonomics in the workplace, and introducing novel scenarios of organizing human-robot cooperation with AGVs and Cobots.

YuMI with blocks

Collaboration Possibilities

Research and innovation work on software concepts shall be primarily supported by

  • Collaborative Innovation Projects such as Business Finland and European Union projects (e.g., EIT Manufacturing, Reboot IoT Factory)
  • Student work (Master, PhD students)

Contact us for collaboration possibilities: [email protected]

Our Industrial, Research, and Educational Projects

Aalto Factory of the Future is and has been involved in various international and national collaborative projects:

Aalto Factory of the Future. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

Aalto University receives 1 million euros for software-centric industrial automation program

Schneider Electric donation of industrial automation technology, software licenses, and teaching support is to answer for growing need for automation expertise.

Man operating a paper machine rotor with iPad

Aalto University joins Reboot IoT Factory to reform industry with digital solutions – aiming at an impact of EUR 1 billion

Aalto Industrial Internet Campus has been invited to participate in the second phase of Reboot IoT Factory ecosystem that develops digital solutions for the Finnish manufacturing industry.

Aalto Factory of the Future

Factory of the Future deploys indoor 5G and WiFi6 to support manufacturing research

Students and researchers can use the new facility to explore the applications of cutting-edge communications technologies in Industry 4.0.


Latest Scientific Results

Residual-Enhanced Physics-Guided Machine Learning With Hard Constraints for Subsurface Flow in Reservoir Engineering

Haibo Cheng, Yunpeng He, Peng Zeng, Valeriy Vyatkin 2024 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Probabilistic Model Checking for IEC 61499: A Manufacturing Application

Irman Faqrizal, Tatiana Liakh, Midhun Xavier, Gwen Salaün, Valeriy Vyatkin 2024 ICIT 2024 - 2024 25th International Conference on Industrial Technology

Toolset Development for Modelling Sympathetic Phenomenon and its Detection by a Neural Network

Nikolai Galkin, Chen Wei Yang, Nicholas Etherden, Math Bollen, Valeriy Vyatkin, Yiming Wu 2024 2023 IEEE 2nd Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference, ONCON 2023

Formal verification of non-functional requirements of overall instrumentation and control architectures

Polina Ovsiannikova, Antti Pakonen, Dmitry Muromsky, Maksim Kobzev, Viktor Dubinin, Valeriy Vyatkin 2024 IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society

Enabling Professionals for Industry 5.0

Rui Pinto, Miroslav Žilka, Thalie Zanoli, Mikhail V. Kolesnikov, Gil Gonçalves 2024 PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE

Digital Twins for Process Industries

Seppo Sierla 2024 Handbook of Digital Twins

A Framework for the Generation of Monitor and Plant Model from Event Logs Using Process Mining for Formal Verification of Event-Driven Systems

Midhun Xavier, Victor Dubinin, Sandeep Patil, Valeriy Vyatkin 2024 IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society

Debugging approach for IEC 61499 control applications in FBME

Daniil Akifev, Tatiana Liakh, Polina Ovsiannikova, Radimir Sorokin, Valeriy Vyatkin 2023 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2023 - Proceedings
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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