School of Business


BIZ Homecoming Day 2025, panelists
University Published:

The theme of the School of Business Homecoming Day was “International Finland in 2030?”

The biennial event featured keynote speaker Elina Valtonen, Minister for Foreign Affairs and School of Business alum
Räätälöity opiskelijaprojekti Pohjola Vakuutukselle
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Students mapped and documented data use-cases with Pohjola Insurance

The project addressed the growing complexities of managing and utilizing data in business processes
Infographics of the business  & economics ranking result, 66th in the world
University Published:

Business & economics and computer science ranked in top 100 globally

The Times Higher Education ranking measures universities with 18 indicators, including international research and citations .
Kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijoita juttelemassa
Studies Published:

Constructive feedback from students is taken into account and used as a basis for developing practices in the programmes

At the School of Business, the AllWell? survey is one of the most important ways for students to give feedback on their own programme and the university's services in general
Projektiryhmä Case Helen Oy
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Students consulted management in an accounting Capstone course

As an example, one student group developed the determination of return requirements for Helen's investments
A bee in a flower
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art, Studies Published:

Business is sustainability and sustainability is business

The year 2024 can be called the year of sustainability, as the School of Business continued to strongly promote sustainability in its research, teaching and other activities, which was also recognised with awards


Alumni in an event
Information sessions, Networking

Alumni and friends get-together in Seattle

Reconnect and celebrate: Join us for the Aalto University alumni and friends get-together in Seattle
Alumni in an event
Information sessions, Networking

Alumni and friends get-together in Chicago

Reconnect and celebrate: Join us for the Aalto University alumni and friends get-together in Chicago
Laskentatoimi tänään
Lectures and seminars

'Better Business — Better Society: Laskentatoimi tänään' seminar

Better Business — Better Society Seminar Series offers opportunities to learn about and discuss current societally important topics monthly.
Kuvassa Aalto-yliopiston kauppatieteen tohtorinhattu
Public defences

Defense of Thesis in Accounting, Ali Nickpour, M.Sc.

The title of the Thesis: “ Exploring Behavioral Economics in Archival Auditing Research”
School of Business Ekonominaukio 1 lower level Photo: Mikko Raskinen

About the School

At the School of Business, we work for better business and a better society. We educate experts and leaders for the future and contribute to society through impactful research, long-term partnerships and societal engagement. We are one of the leading business schools in Europe.

Read more

Our School – Our Future, three donation options

Welcome to the Better Business – Better Society seminarsSustainability at the School of BusinessEquality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

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Where to find us

Kauppakorkeakoulu, jonka edustalla istuu neljä opiskelijaa. Kuva: Unto Rautio / Aalto-yliopisto

School of Business

Ekonominaukio 1

Mikkeli campus


Lönnrotinkatu 5, Mikkeli

Otakaari 1
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