Department of Management Studies

Department of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies offers a dynamic environment for scholarship and learning, where cutting-edge research underpins high-quality teaching.

The department educates strategic leaders with a strong ethical mindset for the contemporary global business environments. The research is mainly focused on advancing knowledge and critical scholarship in the broader field of management and organization studies.

Stack of management books.


At the Department of Management Studies, members of faculty carry out their research in multiple areas, collaborating across disciplinary borders with internationally acknowledged scholars from all over the world. The research strategy of the department rests on the discipline’s core strength in understandings of organisational settings as sites, where decisions are made in the face of potentially incompatible demands.

Research in International Business

International Business - cutting edge in research and teaching

Aalto BIZ researchers, photo Aino Huovio

Research in Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurship unit offers a unique action-oriented learning experience for Master’s students and a high-quality research programme that contributes to scholarly debates and policy development.

Visual and creative representation of entrepreneurship unit

Research in Organization and Management

Organization and Management comprises a broad group of scholars. Research and teaching in the discipline is informed by the recognition of complexities that pluralist demands from multiple stakeholder groups create for management.

Two stacks of business books

Research in Organizational Communication

Research and teaching in the unit of Organizational Communication focuses on the social and communicative practices through which organizations, communities, and societies are managed and organized. The unit has a unique research profile in interdisciplinary organizational communication studies.

public art at Aalto

Research in Philosophy of Management

Research and teaching in Philosophy of Management concentrate mainly on moral and political philosophy, business ethics, and the philosophy of social sciences.

Aalto University/Flags


International Business, Bachelor (BScBA, Mikkeli) and Master of Science (Otaniemi) in Economics and Business Administration

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business provides students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge to build, develop and lead companies on a global scale. A bachelor’s degree in business with an international focus opens up a wide variety of career opportunities across all industries and continents.

Students sitting by Mikkeli's Cathedral.

International Design Business Management, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

IDBM is a pioneering and renowned study programme that truly embodies the vision of Aalto by integrating design and technology with global business development. Through transdisciplinary teamwork and real-life business challenges provided by our prominent industry partners, the programme prepares students as the next generation of creative professionals. IDBM is uniquely positioned as the only programme offered in all six schools of Aalto, allowing programme graduates to earn a Master’s degree in either business, design or technology.

IDBM students gathered around a table and drawing

Creative Sustainability, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

The Creative Sustainability (CS) programme provides students with the skills and knowledge to address pressing global sustainability challenges through business. Students with different backgrounds are united by the creative solutions, hands-on methodologies and shared values that characterise the programme. Graduates are well-prepared for leadership positions that require harnessing business understanding to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Aalto Business students browsing course books around a table

Global Management, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

The Master’s programme in Global Management prepares students to operate responsibly and successfully in influential decision-maker positions in a globalized environment. The programme develops students’ knowledge and skills in strategy, business development, leadership, and cross-cultural understanding. The programme incorporates CEMS Master’s in International Management.

Two business students on the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi

Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Get the tools to lead sustainable business ventures – and join the race to solve some of the world’s most urgent problems!

Two students discussing in the School of Business building.

Strategic management in a changing world, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Strategic Management in a Changing World is a unique Master’s programme that teaches students how to develop effective strategy in a rapidly changing world. Graduates are analytical decision-makers who can identify valuable business opportunities by evaluating of complex global megatrends such as sustainability, digitalization, and globalization. To action these new opportunities, the programme teaches students how to bring an entrepreneurial mindset into their organizations.

A student and an assistant professor on Aalto University campus in Otaniemi


People in International Business

Meet the professors, researchers, doctoral students and staff of International Business.

Group of people smiling

People in Entrepreneurship

Meet the professors, researchers, doctoral students and staff of Entrepreneurship.

Aalto people working. Photo: Unto Rautio

People in Organization and Management

Meet the professors, researchers, doctoral students and staff of Organization and Management.


People in Organizational Communication

Meet the faculty and doctoral students of Organizational Communication.

Public art at Aalto

People in Philosophy of Management

Meet the professors, researchers and doctoral students of Philosophy of Management.

Aalto University flags. Photo: Aino Huovio

Department Administration

Meet the Administration of Department of Management Studies

BIZ main building


Ewald Kibler and Anastasia Koptsyukh in the middle
Awards and Recognition Published:

Anastasia Koptsyukh and Ewald Kibler have been awarded Best Paper Award 2023 BCERC

They have been awarded the Best Paper in Social Entrepreneurship by the MEANS Center for Entrepreneurship Studies of Illinois State University and Babson College
Anne Sunikka, Anton Sigfrids and Pekka Marttinen
Campus, Research & Art Published:

Open Science and Research Summer Conference 2024 gathered open science experts from all over Finland

Over 90 participants attended in person and 90 listened in Zoom a range of presentations on artificial intelligence, legal and security issues and data management, alongside the latest news on open science activities in Finland. The event was organised by Aalto University, VTT and Open Science Coordination in Finland.
Publication icon
Research & Art Published:

Publication Forum seeks new panellists for term 2025-2028

If you are interested in becoming a panel member of the Publication Forum (Julkaisufoorumi, Jufo), apply by 15.6.2024.
Professor Riikka Puurunen, Professor Patrick Rinke and IT Application Owner Lara Ejtehadian holding sunflowers and diplomas
Awards and Recognition, Campus, Research & Art Published:

Aalto Open Science Award ceremony brought together Aaltonians to discuss open science

Last week we gathered at A Grid to celebrate the awardees of the Aalto Open Science Award 2023 and discuss open science matters with the Aalto community.


Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Economics, Topi Hokkanen

Essays on Optimal Environmental Regulation and Information Economics (title of the thesis)
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Economics, M.Sc. (Econ) Aapo Stenhammar

Aapo Stenhammar examines the impacts of structural change in the workplace in his dissertation, "Essays on Structural and Technological Change."
Boston x Kauppis Alumnifest

Boston Promenade x Kauppis Alumnifest

Kauppis invites alumni to celebrate Boston Promenade's 60-year journey in style.
Aalto University School of Business building

Welcome Evening for new Master’s students at School of Business

Aalto University School of Business welcomes the students starting their Master’s studies to meet and mingle with the School of Business community – especially with the alumni graduated from the School! Event is part of the orientation week.
Impact Investing Research Project
Headquarters Location Research Project
Quantum Computing – from Labs to Markets

Contact information

We are located in Aalto University School of Business' campus in Otaniemi

Visiting address

Ekonominaukio 1
02150, Espoo

Department administration

Head of the Department: Johanna Moisander
Secretary: Manuela Shampemba

Kauppakorkeakoulu, jonka edustalla istuu neljä opiskelijaa. Kuva: Unto Rautio / Aalto-yliopisto

School of Business

Ekonominaukio 1


School of Business

We strive for better business and better society. We excel in education and research with a multidisciplinary approach and in collaboration with our partners.

Read more about the School of Business
School of Business students. Photo: Ari Toivonen
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