For the media

For the media

Aalto University Communications helps media representatives in all questions related to the university. You're welcome to contact us!

Videokuvausta, Visualising Knowledge -tapahtumassa.

Get in touch with Aalto University Communications - for media

We help you find the right experts and information about our university.

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Passing by at Otakaari 1. Photo: Nita Vera.

Aalto University's press releases

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Public defence: Why has the sustainability break-through been lagging, and how could it be accelerated, and gain profitable business growth?

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere proposes that commercial and contract management will be utilized to accelerate both sustainability targets and economically profitable business growth in the corporate world
Construction worker looking straight to camera
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Up to 80% of work on construction sites is inefficient, and also safety is affected by constant interruptions

Most of the work carried out on construction sites does not directly affect the actual progress of the work. However, a recent doctoral dissertation found an easy way to improve construction productivity and, at the same time, well-being: monitoring employees' activities.
Photo of Hang Zhang against a dark background.
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

1.5-million-euro ERC grant for creating physical feedback loops in life-inspired materials awarded to Hang Zhang

Dr. Hang Zhang was granted 1.5 million euros on Thursday by the ERC to create coupled physical feedback loops in hydrogels with varying dimensions.
Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition in Marsio
Campus, Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Broaden your perspective with the latest research at the Marsio exhibitions

The "Makers of the Impossible" exhibitions offer a fascinating overview of Aalto University's research and innovation.
Two persons discussing about their research topic, photo by Unto Rautio

Delve into our research – find the people behind it! (external link)

You can find publications, research units and departments in the research information portal.

Aalto University community member

Press photos (external link)

You may freely use our mediabank press photos in articles concerning Aalto University. Kindly credit the photos to Aalto University and the photographer.

TOKYOn myyjäiset Väreen tiloissa.

Key figures of 2021 and reports

In 2021, Aalto University has set its sights firmly on building a sustainable future.

Aalto University
icons for subjects logo, colour palette, type, layout, photography and videos

The ABC's of the Aalto brand at (external link)

The new site brings you advice and info e.g. on the university's visual identity, logos, colours, photos and illustration.

Aalto University/ALL-CELL

Publications and theses (external link)

Our publication archive consists of doctoral, Master's and Bachelor's theses, research articles and seminar reports, among others.

Lehden suomenkielisiä ja englanninkielisiä irtonumeroita kuvattuna ulkona vihreän varvikon päällä. Kuva: Anni Kääriä.

Aalto University Magazine

Read our stakeholder magazine online.

Aalto University
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