Department of Film (ELO)

Department of Film (ELO)

The Department of Film, ELO, is the only university-level film school in Finland. It is a vital combination of innovative art academy and an active, practice-based and artistic research unit. It teaches all aspects of filmmaking and performance design as separate skill sets. Our faculty consists of international-level practicing filmmakers, scenographers and researchers.

Filming. Image by Unto Rautio.

We value our 60-year-long tradition but at the same time actively explore future challenges and emerging technologies. The department works closely with the audiovisual industry, theatre, and emerging contemporary groups in performing arts.

Education draws on artistic and pedagogical traditions, passing it on creatively and developing new forms of expression. During the education students are familiarized with artistic processes, team work, historical and critical thinking, observations and interpretations of reality. This knowledge is applied in practical exercises and student film productions.

The department's research brings new understanding of the forms of expression and production processes in cinematic and scenographic art and opens paths to international research. The research orientation is based on a fruitful dialogue between theory and practice.

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Our research groups

Costume in Focus (CiF)

Costume in Focus (CiF) is the first research group with sharp focus on developing research in the field of Costume Design.

Costume design

The Expanded Scenography research group

The research group was initiated in 2015 for developing the artistic research and practice in the 'scenographic' field in change.

photo scenography

Critical Cinema Lab

The Lab hosts a project Images of Harmony and Rupture - Documentary Film Reflecting Fractures in the Scandinavian Welfare State Ethos. It is funded by the Kone Foundation and headed by
Professor Susanna Helke. DAs Jouko Aaltonen and Timo Korhonen work as postdoctoral researchers.

Reetta Huhtanen: Economic Forecasters (2015)

Elements of Success in the Finnish Film Production

The project studies processes, film production cultures and contemporary film audiences. The focus is on the factors that contribute to a film’s success.

Andres Teirs. © Matila Röhr Productions

Virtual Cinema Lab

Virtual Cinema Lab is a multidisciplinary arena for those interested in new and emerging technologies.

Virtual Cinema Lab


The programmes and major subjects at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture provide high quality teaching in a diverse and student-centred manner. Our school began implementing a reform of bachelor's and master's degrees in September 2014.

The new degree structures offer students the opportunity for more in-depth studies in their own major or a field of their master's programme, or to utilise Aalto University's multidisciplinary course offering in minor subjects and elective studies. Our school offers a wide variety of minors, many of which are carried out in cooperation with other Aalto University schools. Students can also apply for minor studies at other Finnish universities through JOO studies, or complete part of their studies during an international exchange.

For more info on our Master's programmes:

Costume Design: Performing Arts and Film - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Are you interested in studying Costume Design at the forefront of the field? Would you like to explore costume from a practice-based perspective that stimulates new concepts and ideas? Do you want to be part of international costume-related events? The Costume Design major of the Master’s Programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television aims at creating the future professionals for the field of costume design, supporting the development of a dynamic artistic vision and a research-oriented approach for the performing arts and the film and media creative industries.

Costume Design

Production Design - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The major in production design involves training artistic designers who are responsible for the visual, operational and production entity of a film production.

Image of a film set which resembles a café.

Cinematography - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In Master’s Programme in Film and Television, major in Cinematography, the student deepens his/her vocational competence to achieve a greater mastery of the overall artistic, production and technical entity of his/her professional area in various film, TV and advertising productions.

A student in a hat filming in front of a red curtain.

Documentary Film - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The goal of the major in Documentary Film is to form innovative, critical, and analytical documentary filmmakers for both the national and international arenas. The students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the history and conventions documentary filmmaking. Moreover, the program will encourage students to engage future perspectives of documentary filmmaking as a storytelling, art and research form.

Students will be able to develop their artistic and research skills through creative enquiry, practice and collaboration. They will be able to combine practical mastery and conceptual thinking, increasing their professional competence and situating them at the forefront of the documentary filmmaking field.


Film Directing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Master’s programme in Film and Television, major in Film Directing in Elo Film school Finland strengthens the student’s capacity to generate and develop cinematic ideas, storybuilding and narration skills in addition to developing the director’s personal cinematic style and directorial identity.


Film Editing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the MA degree is to develop the student into an expert of viewing and seeing, a storyteller and an artist.

Two students are laughing at the computer.

Film Sound Design - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In film and television production, sound design plays a vital role in creating an end product that gives the viewer a holistic, artistic experience.


Film and Television Producing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The goal of the Master’s Programme in Film and Television, major in Film and Television Producing, is to deepen the student’s skills in their chosen direction – towards independent audiovisual entrepreneurship, a research or development project in the film producing field, a deeper understanding of artistic leadership or some corresponding advanced competence planned together with the student.

Two students with a camera in front of a red curtain.

Screenwriting - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting for Film and Television is to strengthen the student's individual expression, skills in writing for film and the abilities required in artistic and production-related process work and group work. Master’s students become familiar with the central theoretical questions in the field and its research.

Two students sorting post-it notes on the wall.

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

One of the most prestigious universities in its fields. We educate our students to create imaginative, collaborative, compassionate and unconventional approaches to the most pressing challenges of today.

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Students riding bikes in front of the Aalto University Väre building, photo by Unto Rautio


Anne Sunikka, Anton Sigfrids and Pekka Marttinen
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Open Science and Research Summer Conference 2024 gathered open science experts from all over Finland

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Publication icon
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Publication Forum seeks new panellists for term 2025-2028

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Professor Riikka Puurunen, Professor Patrick Rinke and IT Application Owner Lara Ejtehadian holding sunflowers and diplomas
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Aalto ARTS Summer School explores the significance of water through the lens of art

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Seaweed installation byt Julia Lohman

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Aalto ARTS Handbook

Aalto ARTS Handbook

ARTS' communications guide

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