Department of Applied Physics

A hand with a blue vinyl glove adjusts complicated research instruments.

Who are we?

Our research focuses on materials physics, quantum technology, soft and living matter, and advanced energy solutions. Topics extend from fundamental research to important applications. Department of Applied Physics educates future generations of research and development professionals, data specialists, technology experts, inventors, and scientists for industry and society.

The department hosts the Academy of Finland Centres of Excellence Quantum Technology Finland (QTF, 2018-2025) and Life Inspired Hybrid Materials (LIBER, 2022-2029). Further quantum technologies are facilitated by the national quantum institute – InstituteQ, coordinated by Aalto University since 2021.

The department is a major user of the national research infrastructure OtaNano that provides fabrication, characterisation and measurement equipment and facilities for students, scientists and high-tech businesses. The Nanomicroscopy Center and the Low Temperature Laboratory of OtaNano are critical assets for our researchers. We extensively utilise and contribute to the development of the national and international cloud and supercomputing resources and databases.

Top news

Photo of prof. Yaolin Xu by Mikko Raskinen/Aalto University.
Appointments, Research & Art Published:

Prof. Yaolin Xu combines physics and chemistry for better batteries

Newly appointed Assistant Professor Xu looks to build up his lab and team at the Department of Applied Physics to pursue better batteries for a sustainable future in energy storage.
The Guild of Physics in Jyväskylä. Photo: Guild of Physics.
Studies Published:

Guild of Physics bumps into alum in Jyväskylä teachers' room

On their high school tour, the Aalto Guild of Physics ran into Antero Hietamäki in the teachers' room in Jyväskylä. Hietamäki, now the Administrative Head of the Teacher Training School, was a student of engineering physics and mathematics in the 1980s.
Peter Liljeroth
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Major European funding for research into new quantum materials

New materials are hoped to become building blocks for yet unseen quantum devices
A woman with blonde hair stands with arm resting on a ledge with a grey background.
Appointments Published:

Physics professor: Nuclear simulations need powerful computers, and ‘Finland is at the forefront’

Andrea Sand leads the Nuclear Materials and Engineering research group – a large team of international researchers with funding resources and collaboration opportunities spanning the European continent.
bakteereja ohjataan magneettikentän avulla
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Getting bacteria into line

Physicists use magnetic fields to manipulate bacterial behaviour
Olli Ikkana in Otaniemi, photo by Lasse Lecklin.
Research & Art Published:

Bioinspired colours and adaptable materials - Professor Olli Ikkala's third EU project builds on living systems

Department of Applied Physics Professor Olli Ikkala received his third Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on 11 April 2024. The funding amounts to €2.5 million and the project will run for five years.

Recent News

Photo of prof. Yaolin Xu by Mikko Raskinen/Aalto University.
Appointments, Research & Art Published:

Prof. Yaolin Xu combines physics and chemistry for better batteries

Newly appointed Assistant Professor Xu looks to build up his lab and team at the Department of Applied Physics to pursue better batteries for a sustainable future in energy storage.
A women with a laptop
For Aalto community Research & Art Published:

New Read & Publish agreement with American Chemical Society

Aalto University has signed a new Read & Publish agreement with ACS.
Peter Liljeroth
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Major European funding for research into new quantum materials

New materials are hoped to become building blocks for yet unseen quantum devices
Aalto Open Science Award 2024. A light blue podium hovering over a blue-pink gradient background with the help of squishy-looking balloons with colored lights inside.
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art Published:

Call for nominees for Aalto University’s Open Science Award 2024

Nominate yourself, your colleague, a research group, a department, or a project for the award.

Research groups

Additional resources

Logo of the PHYS Diversity Team in Aalto colours

Department of Applied Physics Diversity Team

The Diversity Team of the Department of Applied Physics aims to build an inclusive, diverse and welcoming work environment

Department of Applied Physics
Life at the campus.

Careers at Aalto

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We are an international community of 20,000 bold thinkers who shape a sustainable future with education, research breakthroughs and innovative ideas and solutions. Join us in changing the world – we have many attractive career opportunities to offer.


The goal at InstituteQ is to improve the readiness of Finland for the disruptive potential quantum technologies will have for society and the economy at large. By 2026, novel educational programs, growing quantum industry and eminent research directions are expected to be in full motion. The efforts of InstituteQ facilitate fundamental scientific findings, the adoption of novel technologies and the development of new commercial opportunities. The aim is to carry, implement and mutually benefit front line education, research, innovations, and infrastructures.

White InstituteQ logo on dark background

InstituteQ - The Finnish Quantum Institute (external link)

InstituteQ coordinates quantum research, education, and business in Finland

QTF-hero logo

Quantum Technology Finland – The National Centre of Excellence (external link)

The national Quantum Technology Finland (QTF) Centre of Excellence brings together scientific and technological excellence and cutting-edge research infrastructures to harness quantum phenomena in solid-state-based quantum devices and applications.

A map of Finland sits on top of an artistic illustration of small-scale circuits.

Aalto University to coordinate Finnish quantum initiatives in latest national flagship programme

The flagship unites dozens of research institutions, companies, and startups in new collaborative front



Colorful poster which says
Transdisciplinary Symposium on AI, Human Rights and Warfare. October 23, 2024. The Train Factory, Helsinki.
Conferences - Transdisciplinary Symposium on AI, Human Rights and Warfare

AI, Big Data analytics, and Automated Decision Making are increasingly used in warfare and spreading misinformation. This symposium gathers experts to critically examine these impacts. You are welcome to join!
Build systems course
Lectures and seminars, Workshops

Build Systems Course - 8-11/October/2024 - Online

Want to learn how to build research software for modern systems? Join us for a four-days online course and support session!
Ask a Data Agent, weekly RDM support hour, 1-2 PM on Zoom
For Aalto community Support for teams, Training to support research

Aalto Data Agents' weekly support hour on Zoom

A weekly Zoom room to come and ask us anything about research data and open science: data management, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, reproducibility, responsible conduct of research, data privacy, ethics.
ABC of open access publishing
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Support for teams, Training to support research

ABC of Open Access Publishing, Oct 23, 2024

Learn about Open Access publishing with Information Specialists Katri Seitsonen and Eeva Savolainen from Research Services.

Where to find us

Nanotalo building

Puumiehenkuja 2



Konemiehentie 1



Tietotie 3

Micronova cleanroom kuva: Aino Huovio
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