Zhengmao Li

Zhengmao Li

Multi-energy System Planning and Operation
Assistant Professor
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Dr. Li is now a PhD supervisor in Finland, he received the B.E. degree in information engineering and the M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Shandong University, Ji'nan, China, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2020. During 2019-2021, he was a Research Fellow with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA under IEEE Fellow, Prof. Wu Lei. From 2021-2023, he was a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and Singapore ETH Center under IEEE Fellow, Prof. Wang Peng and Prof. Xu Yan.
From April. 2023, Dr.Li joined Aalto University as an Assistant Professor.

His research topics include but not limited to the following aspects:

  1. Planning and operation of integrated-energy systems, such as (islanded/grid-connected) microgrids, ships, seaports, smart buildings, etc., with integrated power, thermal, and gas networks.
  2. Tackling diverse uncertainties such as those from renewable energies, outdoor temperature, gas prices, and ship swinging with the multi-stage (distributional) robust/stochastic optimization methods in multi-energy systems.
  3. Resilience enhancement of integrated-energy systems with demand response scheme and heterogeneous transportable energy storage.
  4. Advanced algorithms development and application in multi-energy operations such as approximate dynamic programming, deep reinforcement learning, machine learning, etc.
Full researcher profile
Postal address
Maarintie 8 02150 Espoo Finland
Phone number

Areas of expertise

Multi energy system, electric energy storage, uncertainty handling, smart ships and buildings, deep reinforcement learning, Combined Heat and Power, Hydrogen, 213 Electronic, automation and communications engineering, electronics

Research groups

  • Multi-energy System Planning and Operation


A CCP-Based Distributed Cooperative Operation Strategy for Multi-Agent Energy Systems Integrated with Wind, Solar, and Buildings

Bing Ding, Zening Li, Zhengmao Li, Yixun Xue, Jia Su, Xiaolong Jin, Hongbin Sun 2024 Applied Energy

Robust Coordinated Planning of Multi-Region Integrated Energy Systems With Categorized Demand Response

Yingchao Dong, Zhengmao Li, Hongli Zhang, Cong Wang, Xiaojun Zhou 2024 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Editorial: Smart energy system for carbon reduction and energy saving: planning, operation and equipments

Wenlong Fu, Nan Yang, Zhengmao Li 2024 Frontiers in Energy Research

A Two-stage Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Urban Distribution Network Reconfiguration Considering Switch Contribution

Hongjun Gao, Siyuan Jiang, Zhengmao Li, Renjun Wang, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu 2024 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Resilience enhancement of a multi-energy distribution system via joint network reconfiguration and mobile sources scheduling

Zhao Shi, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Dunjian Xie, Amer M. Y. M. Ghias 2024 CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems

A Carbon Emission Allowance Bargaining Model For Energy Transactions Among Prosumers

Yue Xiang, Guiping Qing, Mengqiu Fang, Zhengmao Li, Haotian Yao, Junyong Liu, Zekun Guo, Jichun Liu, Pingliang Zeng 2024 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Generation of input spectrum for electrolysis stack degradation test applied to wind power PEM hydrogen production

Yanhui Xu, Guanlin Li, Yuyuan Gui, Zhengmao Li 2024 Global Energy Interconnection

Enhancing Resilience of Reconfigurable Power-Water Systems with Mobile Distributed Generators and High-Proportional Renewables

Yesen Yang, Zhengmao Li, Guangxiao Zhang, Alberto Costa, Edmond Y. Lo 2024 2024 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power Science and Technology, ICPST 2024

Electric Vehicle Charging Planning: A Complex Systems Perspective

Alexis Pengfei Zhao, Shuangqi Li, Zhengmao Li, Zhaoyu Wang, Xue Fei, Zechun Hu, Mohannad Alhazmi, Xiaohe Yan, Chenye Wu, Shuai Lu, Yue Xiang, Da Xie 2024 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Under Network Constraints Based on Generalized Fast Dual Ascent

Changsen Feng, Bomiao Liang, Zhengmao Li, Weijia Liu, Fushuan Wen 2023 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Blockchain-enabled Carbon and Energy Trading for Network-Constrained Coal Mines with Uncertainties

Hongxu Huang, Zhengmao Li, L. P.M.I. Sampath, Jiawei Yang, Hung D. Nguyen, Hoay Beng Gooi, Rui Liang, Dunwei Gong 2023 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Distributionally robust energy-transportation coordination in coal mine integrated energy systems

Hongxu Huang, Zhengmao Li, Hoay Beng Gooi, Haifeng Qiu, Xiaotong Zhang, Chaoxian Lv, Rui Liang, Dunwei Gong 2023 Applied Energy

Cooperative Operation of Renewable-Integrated Multi-Energy Microgrids Under Dynamic Rolling Horizon Strategy

Zhengmao Li, Jorma Kyyrä, Yan Xu, Tianyang Zhao, Yunqi Wang 2023 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2023 ECCE Europe

Distributed tri-layer risk-averse stochastic game approach for energy trading among multi-energy microgrids

Zhengmao Li, Lei Wu, Yan Xu, Luhao Wang, Nan Yang 2023 Applied Energy

Editorial : Data-based resilience-oriented planning and operation of multi-energy systems

Zhengmao Li, Josep M. Guerrero, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Edmond Y.M. Lo, Shunbo Lei 2023 Frontiers in Energy Research

Resilience-oriented Operation of Power Distribution Networks with Line Hardening and Comprehensive Reconfiguration Measures

Zhengmao Li, Zhao Shi, Guangchun Ruan, Yuzhang Lin, Jin Zhao 2023 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)

Distributed optimization for network-constrained peer-to-peer energy trading among multiple microgrids under uncertainty

Luhao Wang, Zhuo Wang, Zhengmao Li, Ming Yang, Xingong Cheng 2023 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Risk-averse restoration of coupled power and water systems with small pumped-hydro storage and stochastic rooftop renewables

Yesen Yang, Zhengmao Li, Pradeep V. Mandapaka, Edmond Y.M. Lo 2023 Applied Energy

Optimal Operation of Energy Hub

Junjie Zhong, Yong Li, Yan Wu, Yijia Cao, Zhengmao Li, Yanjian Peng, Xuebo Qiao, Yong Xu, Qian Yu, Xusheng Yang, Zuyi Li, Mohammad Shahidehpour 2023 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Robust Coordinated Optimization With Adaptive Uncertainty Set for a Multi-Energy Microgrid

Junjie Zhong, Yong Li, Yijia Cao, Yi Tan, Yanjian Peng, Yicheng Zhou, Yosuke Nakanishi, Zhengmao Li 2023 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

A Comprehensive Literature Review for Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Grids

Ruoxuan Leng, Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu 2022 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT-Asia 2022

Multi-Stage Real-Time Operation of a Multi-Energy Microgrid with Electrical and Thermal Energy Storage Assets

Zhengmao Li, Lei Wu, Yan Xu, Somayeh Moazeni, Zao Tang 2022 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Multi-node load forecasting based on multi-task learning with modal feature extraction

Mao Tan, Chenglin Hu, Jie Chen, Ling Wang, Zhengmao Li 2022 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids

Yan Xu, Wang Yu, Cuo Zhang, Zhengmao Li 2022

Optimal energy management of a demand response integrated combined-heat-and-electrical microgrid

Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Xue Feng, Yumin Chen 2022 Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks

Intelligent Data-Driven Decision-Making Method for Dynamic Multisequence : An E-Seq2Seq-Based SCUC Expert System

Nan Yang, Cong Yang, Lei Wu, Xun Shen, Junjie Jia, Zhengmao Li, Daojun Chen, Binxin Zhu, Songkai Liu 2022 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

A Risk-Averse Adaptively Stochastic Optimization Method for Multi-Energy Ship Operation under Diverse Uncertainties

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Lei Wu, Xiaodong Zheng 2021 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Optimal Stochastic Deployment of Heterogeneous Energy Storage in a Residential Multienergy Microgrid with Demand-Side Management

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Xue Feng, Qiuwei Wu 2021 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Optimal distributed transaction of multiple microgrids in grid-connected and islanded modes considering unit commitment scheme

Zhuo Wang, Luhao Wang, Zhengmao Li, Xingong Cheng, Qiqiang Li 2021 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Addressing the Conditional and Correlated Wind Power Forecast Errors in Unit Commitment by Distributionally Robust Optimization

Xiaodong Zheng, Kaiping Qu, Jiaqing Lv, Zhengmao Li, Bo Zeng 2021 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Co-optimisation and settlement of power-gas coupled system in day-ahead market under multiple uncertainties

Xiaodong Zheng, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Haoyong Chen 2021 IET Renewable Power Generation

Multi stage coordinated operation of a multi‐energy microgrid with residential demand response under diverse uncertainties

Yumin Chen, Xue Feng, Zhengmao Li, Yang Xu, Amir Miragha 2020 Energy Conversion and Economics

Multiobjective Coordinated Energy Dispatch and Voyage Scheduling for a Multienergy Ship Microgrid

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Sidun Fang, Yu Wang, Xiaodong Zheng 2020 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Robust Coordination of a Hybrid AC/DC Multi-Energy Ship Microgrid with Flexible Voyage and Thermal Loads

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Sidun Fang, Xiaodong Zheng, Xue Feng 2020 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

A mixed-integer SDP solution to distributionally robust unit commitment with second order moment constraints

Xiaodong Zheng, Haoyong Chen, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Zhenjia Lin, Zipeng Liang 2020 CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems

A Two-Stage Stochastic Operation Approach of Combined Heat and Power Networks

Yumin Chen, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Xue Feng, Hongming Yang, Luiz Carlos Pereira Da Silva, Ashu Verma 2019 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia, ISGT 2019

Optimally coordinated dispatch of combined-heat-and-electrical network with demand response

Yumin Chen, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Xue Feng 2019 IET Generation Transmission and Distribution

Optimally Coordinated Operation of a Multi-Energy Microgrid with Coupled Electrical and Heat Networks

Yumin Chen, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Shanqiang Feng, Chunchao Hu, Koh Leong Hai 2019 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018 - Proceedings

Joint generation and demand-side management for shipboard carbon capture and storage system

Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li 2019 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, I and CPS 2019

Optimal Sizing of Shipboard Carbon Capture System for Maritime Greenhouse Emission Control

Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Zhaohao Ding, Lu Liu, Hongdong Wang 2019 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Two-Step Multi-Objective Management of Hybrid Energy Storage System in All-Electric Ship Microgrids

Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Tianyang Zhao, Hongdong Wang 2019 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Optimal placement of heterogeneous distributed generators in a grid-connected multi-energy microgrid under uncertainties

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Sidun Fang, Stefano Mazzoni 2019 IET Renewable Power Generation

Cyber-Physical Design and Implementation of Distributed Event-Triggered Secondary Control in Islanded Microgrids

Yu Wang, Tung Lam Nguyen, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Quoc Tuan Tran, Raphael Caire 2019 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Distributed event-triggered control for islanded microgrids

Yu Wang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Tung Lam Nguyen, Raphael Caire, Quoc Tuan Tran 2019 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, I and CPS 2019

Robustly Coordinated Operation of a Multi-Energy Microgrid with Flexible Electric and Thermal Loads

Cuo Zhang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Zhao Yang Dong 2019 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Optimal Operation of a Multi-energy Microgrid with Multiple Demand Response Programs

Zan Zhou, Yumin Chen, Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu 2019 2019 3rd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration

Dynamic dispatch of grid-connected multi-energy microgrids considering opportunity profit

Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu 2018 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2017

Dynamic scheduling of CCHP type of microgrid considering additional opportunity income

Zhengmao Li, Feng Zhang, Jun Liang, Zhihao Yun, Xu Zhang 2015 Dianli Xitong Zidonghua

Optimization on microgrid with combined heat and power system

Zhengmao Li, Feng Zhang, Jun Liang, Zhihao Yun, Jun Zhang 2015 Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao