Otaniementie 14
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
The Department of Architecture at Aalto University is an internationally renowned education and research unit. With respect to Finland’s esteemed architectural heritage, we find solutions to the future challenges of construction. For decades, our teaching has maintained strong ties to the practical work undertaken at architecture firms.
To us, architecture is an art form that require practical knowledge, individual artistic development, as well as technical and economical knowledge regarding construction. We educate critical thinkers who accept their responsibility to research and design a socially, culturally and ecologically sustainable built environment.
Miten tilan atmosfääri syntyy? Miten rakennetun ympäristön kulttuurisia ja kestävän kehityksen arvoja edistetään suunnittelun keinoin?
Maisema-arkkitehtuurissa yhdistyvät esteettisyys, ekologisuus ja toiminnallisuus. Monialaiset opinnot antavat hyvät valmiudet työelämään.
Arkkitehtuurin pääaineen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että opiskelija tuntee arkkitehtonisen suunnittelun perusteet. Kandidaatin tutkinto ei tuota arkkitehdin ammattipätevyyttä, mutta se antaa opiskelijalle hyvät valmiudet toimia avustavissa ammatillisissa tehtävissä esimerkiksi arkkitehtitoimistoissa tai julkisissa suunnitteluvirastoissa.
Rakennettu ympäristö muodostaa maassamme kansallisvarallisuuden perustan. Siksi on tärkeää, että opiskelija oppii jo kandidaattivaiheessa hahmottamaan kokonaisvaltaisesti rakentamisen tehtäväkentän ja ihmisläheisen toimintaympäristön. Kandidaatin tutkinto antaa opiskelijalle hyvät valmiudet toimia avustavissa ammatillisissa tehtävissä.
Architecture is technical and artistic, it is a social art and also an artful science.
"A diverse group of students with different backgrounds is inspiring. Every teacher has a different expertise and some different perspective to bring to the discussion, and the topics we learned broadened my knowledge of the city from very different perspectives”
Maisema-arkkitehdit luovat nähtävää, koettavaa ja elettävää ympäristöä. Maisema-arkkitehtuuri on poikkitieteellinen ja -taiteellinen ala, joka yhdistää taiteen, luonnontieteiden ja tekniikan osaamista. Esteettisyys, ekologisuus ja toiminnallisuus ovat maisema-arkkitehtuurin perusarvoja.
Interior architecture addresses the close human scale of space and furniture to create meaning and value to people and organisations, and to transform and renew the everyday living environment. Dealing with the design of immediate interior and exterior environments, interior architecture requires understanding on human culture, needs and aspirations, the bodily experience and senses, and the spatial, material and technological means to meet these. A skilled interior architect is capable of integrating diverse elements into functional and experiential design solutions that exceed the users’ and clients’ expectations and are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
The programme educates interior architects with a distinct design personality. It comprises studies on spatial design and furniture design. Concrete design assignments form a major part of education. The studies emphasise advanced practical design skills combined with conceptual and strategic design thinking and research-driven design. Students are encouraged to expand the frontiers of the discipline by addressing systems level problems and societal challenges across the scale of built environment.
Students graduated from the programme are eligible to work as professional interior architects.
Aalto WiT Programme is a 5-month transdisciplinary professional diploma programme under the Aalto University World in Transistion LAB (WiTLAB). The Programme focuses on the resilience of human settlements in the Global Majority context.
Aalto WiT Programme is a 5-month transdisciplinary professional diploma programme under the Aalto University World in Transition Research LAB (WiTLAB). The programme focuses on the resilience of human settlements in low & middle-income countries.
Architectural Principles and Theory
Building Design
Computational Methodologies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism
Design of Structures and computational design
Emergent Design Methodologies
Health and Wellbeing Architecture
History of Architecture
Housing Design
Humanitarian Architecture
Sustainable building construction
Urban Design
Urban and Regional Planning
Wood Architecture
Landscape Design and Construction
Landscape planning
Landscape planning and Ecology
Spatial design
Furniture Design
Spatial and Service Design
Wood design
The research done at the Department of Architecture produces knowledge about architecture, landscape architecture, urban studies and planning, design practice, the role of architecture in society and the future of construction. We also study architectural history and conservation. Furthermore, our focus areas include construction in the social and health sector, construction for a sustainable future, computer-assisted design methods, and humanitarian architecture. Our research profile covers both basic research in architecture and applied research answering the needs of the industry and public sector.
The research relates to multidisciplinary research areas at Aalto University, especially the human-centred living environments, supported by the Living+ Platform.
The research group concentrates on architectural-historical research, heritage and architectural conservation.
SOTERA is the research group for Health and Wellbeing Architecture within the Department of Architecture at Aalto University. Our work supports Aalto University’s focus areas of Health and Wellbeing and Human-centred living environments.
The Wood Program is a one-year program of study that focuses on wood architecture and industrial building. The program is intended for architects, engineers and other students with a background in design and strong interest in timber construction.
A focus group at the department of architecture at Aalto University
Landscape laboratory brings together landscape architecture research projects, collaboration networks, publication projects and dissertations
Digital technologies as means of production in architectural practice enabling new methods of design and enlarged possibilities of architectural expression.
An interdisciplinary cross-school research and education unit hosting collaborative initiatives across Aalto University
A collection of Department’s student works
A collection of Department’s student works on Aalto campus 2015–
A collection of thesis works from Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Studies and Planning, and Interior Architecture programmes.
Writing the yearbook 2020-2022 of the Department of Architecture at Aalto University was inspired by the Department's 150th anniversary.
The yearbook 2020-2022 of the Department of Architecture at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University introduces pandemic period student work, but also describes architectural education over a 150-year period between 1872-2022.
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Otaniementie 14
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Otakaari 1
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