Robert Millar

Senior University Lecturer
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Senior University Lecturer
Full researcher profile

Research groups

  • Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, Senior University Lecturer


On the MILP Modeling of Remote-Controlled Switch and Field Circuit Breaker Malfunctions in Distribution System Switch Placement

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2023 IEEE Access

Co-simulating fault events in the on- and off-site electrical system of a nuclear power plant

Antti Keski-Koukkari, Marius Baranauskas, Robert John Millar, Sergio Motta 2022 Proceedings of the 2022 22nd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering, EPE 2022

Pandemic-Proofing and General Development of an Electricity Distribution Course

R. John Millar 2022 2022 IEEE 63th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)

Modelling Future Prosumer Nodes and their Impact on Network Planning - a Case Study

Maria Perdices Segui, Robert John Millar, Marco A.Azpurua Auyanet 2022 2022 IEEE 63rd Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, RTUCON 2022 - Proceedings

Electrical and thermomechanical co-simulation platform for npp

Poria Astero, Pasi Laakso, Seppo Hänninen, Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2021 Energies

Impact of Extensive Wind Power on Future Day-ahead Prices in the Nordic Electricity Market

Arslan Ahmad Bashir, John Millar, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, Matti Lehtonen 2021 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe)

Travel activity based stochastic modelling of load and charging state of electric vehicles

Muhammad Naveed Iqbal, Lauri Kütt, Matti Lehtonen, Robert John Millar, Verner Püvi, Anton Rassõlkin, Galina L. Demidova 2021 Sustainability (Switzerland)

An MILP Model for Optimal Placement of Sectionalizing Switches and Tie Lines in Distribution Networks with Complex Topologies

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi, Matti Lehtonen, R. John Millar, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2021 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Optimal distribution network switch planning considering malfunction of switches

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2021 CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution

Co-simulation model for safety and reliability of electric systems in a flexible environment of NPP (COSI)

Robert Millar, Poria Astero, Sergio Motta, Pasi Laakso, Timo Korvola, Matti Lehtonen 2021 SAFIR2022 - The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2019-2022

SAFIR-COSI WP2 report: D2.2: Baseline simulation results

Robert Millar, Poria Astero, Pasi Laakso 2021

Description of the co-simulation platform for NPP

Poria Divshali, Seppo Hänninen, Pasi Laakso, Timo Korvola, R.J. Millar 2020

Electricity distribution system switch optimization under incentive reliability scheme

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi, Matti Lehtonen, R. John Millar, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2020 IEEE Access

Reliability-Oriented Electricity Distribution System Switch and Tie Line Optimization

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi, Matti Lehtonen, Robert Millar, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2020 IEEE Access

The role of nuclear power in a modeled carbon-free Finnish power system

Tero Koivunen, Sanna Syri, Robert John Millar 2020 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2020

Slime Mold Inspired Distribution Network Initial Solution

Verner Püvi, Robert Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Ken Hayami, Tahitoa Arbelot, Matti Lehtonen 2020 Energies

Urban medium-voltage distribution network planning under a complete back-up regime

Verner Püvi, Robert Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Jaakko Anttila, Juhani Lepistö, Mika Loukkalahti, Ken Hayami, Tahitoa Arbelot, Martin Klein, Matti Lehtonen 2020 CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal

Adaptive Predictor Subset Selection Strategy for Enhanced Forecasting of Distributed PV Power Generation

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 IEEE Access

Day-ahead Prediction of Building District Heat Demand for Smart Energy Management and Automation in Decentralized Energy Systems

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2019

Effective Input Dataset Identification Methodology for Accurate Prediction of Local PV Power Production

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, Robert Millar 2019 Proceedings of the IEEE PES Europe Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT-Europe 2019

Efficient Feature Selection Strategy for Accurate Electricity Demand Forecasting

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, Robert Millar 2019 Proceedings of the IEEE PES Europe Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT-Europe 2019

Exploiting Flexibility of Renewable Energy Integrated Buildings for Optimal Day-ahead and Real-time Power Bidding Considering Batteries and EVs as Demand Response Resources

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2019

Machine learning based integrated feature selection approach for improved electricity demand forecasting in decentralized energy systems

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 IEEE Access

Optimal Energy Trading for Renewable Energy Integrated Building Microgrids Containing Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Batteries

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 IEEE Access

Short-term Forecasting of Electricity Consumption in Buildings for Efficient and Optimal Distributed Energy Management

Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Matti Lehtonen, Toni Tukia, Semen Uimonen, R. John Millar 2019 Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2019

Bolstering the Structure of Stand-alone Microgrids through Demand Side Management

Deepak Kumar, M. Lehtonen, R. J. Millar 2019 2019 IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia, GTD Asia 2019

Development of Working Life Competencies in a Project Course for Master Students at Aalto University

Robert Millar, Kirsti Keltikangas, Paulo Pinho, Vesa Vuorinen, Pekka Forsman, Anouar Belahcen, Jorma Kyyrä 2019 Yliopistopedagogiikka

Endowing a configurable and computationally light underground cable temperature prediction algorithm with real-time rating capabilities

John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2019 10th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables, JICABLE'19

Impact of voltage and network losses on conductor sizing and topology of MV networks with high penetration of renewable energy resources

John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Udo Müller, Stephen Fettke, Marko Filler 2019 Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2019

To grid or not to grid

Teemu Nurmi, Pyry Karhu, Ella Leppänen, Sami Herranen, Pekka Holopainen, Stanislav Kalabin, Kasperi Koimaki, Jere Luoma-Aho, Iida Salmivesi, Juhani Tammi, Martin Vidjeskog, John Millar 2019 Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, RTUCON 2018

A Framework to Split the Benefits of DR between Wind Integration and Network Management

Mubbashir Ali, Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2018 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

A Statistical Modeling Methodology for Long-Term Wind Generation and Power Ramp Simulations in New Generation Locations

Jussi Ekström, Matti Koivisto, Ilkka Mellin, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2018 Energies

Thermoelectric applications for energy harvesting in domestic applications and micro-production units. Part I

Lauri Kütt, John Millar, Antti Karttunen, Matti Lehtonen, Maarit Karppinen 2018 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Block-Layer Reliability Method for Distribution Systems under Various Operating Scenarios

Bruno de Oliveira e Sousa, Muhammad Humayun, Atte Pihkala, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2017 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

A Statistical Model for Hourly Large-Scale Wind and Photovoltaic Generation in New Locations

Jussi Ekström, Matti Koivisto, Ilkka Mellin, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2017 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Statistical wind direction modeling for the analysis of large scale wind power generation

Matti Koivisto, Jussi Ekström, Ilkka Mellin, Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2017 Wind Energy

Probabilistic prosumer node modeling for estimating planning parameters in distribution networks with renewable energy sources

Robert John Millar, Jussi Ekström, Matti Lehtonen, Matti Koivisto, Eero Saarijärvi, Merkebu Degefa 2017 Proceedings of the 58th IEEE International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, RTUCON 2017

A statistical approach for hourly photovoltaic power generation modeling with generation locations without measured data

Jussi Ekström, Matti Koivisto, John Millar, Ilkka Mellin, Matti Lehtonen 2016 Solar Energy

Improving working life competencies in a project work course - self assessment as a tool to improve self-confidence

Kirsti Keltikangas, Paulo Pinho, Anouar Belahcen, Vesa Vuorinen, Timo Oksanen, Pekka Forsman, J. Millar 2016 SEFI Annual Conference

A statistical model for comparing future wind power scenarios with varying geographical distribution of installed generation capacity

M. Koivisto, J. Ekström, J. Seppänen, I. Mellin, Robert Millar, L. Haarla 2016 Wind Energy

Wind speed modeling using a vector autoregressive process with a time-dependent intercept term

Matti Koivisto, Janne Seppänen, Ilkka Mellin, Jussi Ekström, Robert Millar, Ivan Mammarella, Mika Komppula, Matti Lehtonen 2016 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Optimal voltage control strategies for day-ahead active distribution network operation

M. Z. Degefa, M. Lehtonen, R. J. Millar, A. Alahäivälä, E. Saarijärvi 2015 Electric Power Systems Research

Influence of voltage sags and outage costs on realistic radial and backed-up 20-kV rural and urban networks

Bruno Jorge de Oliveira e Sousa, Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2015 IEEE AFRICON 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 14-17 September 2015

Layered reliability assessment of a typical Finnish medium voltage network under multiple weather and load scenarios

Bruno Jorge de Oliveira e Sousa, Robert John Millar, Atte Pihkala, Matti Lehtonen 2015 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity DistributionLyon, France15-18 June, 2015

Assessment of large scale wind power generation with new generation locations without measurement data

Jussi Ekström, Matti Koivisto, Ilkka Mellin, John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Liisa Haarla 2015 Renewable Energy

Statistical Modeling of Aggregated Electricity Consumption and Distributed Wind Generation in Distribution Systems Using AMR Data

Matti Koivisto, Merkebu Degefa, Mubbashir Ali, Jussi Ekström, John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2015 Electric Power Systems Research

Optimization of Concentrated Solar Thermoelectric Generator System for Highest Yearly Electric Output

Lauri Kütt, John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Maido Märss 2015 International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia; 13 Oct 2015

Computationally light two-zone moisture migration modelling for underground cables critical temperature vs. critical heat flux

Robert John Millar, Merkebu Degefa, Matti Lehtonen, Jussi Ekström, Heinrich Brakelmann 2015 9th International Conference on Insulated Power Cables (Jicable'15), Versailles, France, 21-25 June, 2015

Impact of Primary Substation and HV Faults on Suburban MV Network Topology and Total Costs

Robert John Millar, Bruno Jorge de Oliveira e Sousa, Matti Lehtonen, Atte Pihkala, Eero Saarijärvi 2015 5th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2015), Riga, Latvia, May 11-13, 2015

Dynamic Thermal State Forecasting of Distribution Network Components

Merkebu Degefa, Matti Koivisto, John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2014 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Durham, UK, 7-10 July 2014

Unlocking distribution network capacity through real-time thermal rating for high penetration of DGs

Merkebu Degefa, Muhammad Humayun, Amir Safdarian, Matti Koivisto, John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2014 Electric Power Systems Research

Criticality Analysis of Failure to Communicate in Automated Fault-Management Schemes

Shahram Kazemi, Robert J. Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2014 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Reliability worth assessment of an advanced cable health monitoring scheme

Shahram Kazemi, John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Matti Lehtonen 2014 IEEE POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, WASHINGTON DC, 27-31 JULY 2014

An improved initial network for distribution network planning algorithms

John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Matti Lehtonen 2014 International Review of Electrical Engineering: IREE

Impact of Node Specific Load Growth and Microgrids on Distribution Network Planning

Robert John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Matti Lehtonen, Merkebu Degefa, Matti Koivisto 2014 Cigre Paris Session, Paris, August 24-29, 2014

Generating Fault Rate Surfaces using Network Fault Statistics and Geographic Information

Eero Saarijärvi, Matti Koivisto, John Millar, Jussi Niskanen, Matti Lehtonen 2014 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

Planning Large Distribution Networks in Real Environments

Eero Saarijärvi, Robert John Millar, Jussi Niskanen, Matti Lehtonen, Matti Koivisto, Jussi Ekström, Pekka Hämäläinen 2014 Electricity Distribution Conference, South East Asia, 20-23 May 2014, Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dynamic Thermal Modeling of MV/LV Prefabricated Substations

Merkebu Zenebe Degefa, R.John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Petri Hyvonen 2013 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Load Flow Analysis Framework for Active Distribution Networks Based on Smart Meter Reading System

Merkebu Zenebe Degefa, Robert John Millar, Matti Koivisto, Muhammad Humayun, Matti Lehtonen 2013 Engineering

Feasibility of Reduced Insulation Thickness in Medium Voltage Power Cable Designs

Petri Hyvönen, Joni Klüss, Eero Saarijärvi, John Millar 2013 2013 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), 02 Jun - 05 Jun 2013, Ottawa Canada

Application of pulse closing technology for automatic loop restoration

Shahram Kazemi, Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2013 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2013

Electricity Distribution Network Planning Algorithm Based on Efficient Initial and Radial-to-Full Network Conversion

R.John Millar, Eero Saarijärvi, Matti Lehtonen, Markku Hyvärinen, Jussi Niskanen, Pekka Hämäläinen 2013 International Review of Electrical Engineering: IREE

Distribution Network Topology Planning Using Life Cycle Cost driven Cost Surfaces in the Internodal Parameter Computation

Eero Saarijärvi, John Millar, Jussi Niskanen, Tatu Nieminen, Matti Lehtonen 2013 International Review of Electrical Engineering: IREE

Comparison of Air-Gap Thermal Models for MV Power Cables Inside Unfilled Conduit

Merkebu Z. Degefa, Matti Lehtonen, Robert J. Millar 2012 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Impact of MV Connected Microgrids on MV Distribution Planning

Robert J. Millar, Shahram Kazemi, Matti Lehtonen, Eero Saarijärvi 2012 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID

Switch and Reserve Connection Placement in a Distribution Network Planning Algorithm

Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Eero Saarijärvi 2012 IEEE PES International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON 2012); Auckland, New Zealand; October 30 - November 2, 2012

The impact of the distribution network type and configuration on the transient behavior of the fault and neutral points during earth faults

M.F. Abdel-Fattah, M. Lehtonen, R.J. Millar, C.J. Kim 2011 The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2011), Delft, The Netherlands June 14-17, 2011

Effect of climate change on MV underground network operations in the future smart grid environment

Ghulam Hashmi, John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Seppo Hänninen 2011 Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika

Impacts of Automatic Loop Restoration Schemes on Service Reliability

Shahram Kazemi, Matti Lehtonen, Robert John Millar 2011 Reliability of Transmission and Distribution Networks Conference, Dexter House, London, UK, November 22-24, 2011

Optimising MV Network Development and Enhancement Using a Routing Algorithm and Cable Re-Rating

Robert John Millar, Markku Hyvärinen, Matti Lehtonen, Pekka Hämäläinen 2011 C I R E D 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Frankfurt, Germany, June 6-9, 2011

Urban distribution networks - Some general planning observations

Robert John Millar, Markku Hyvärinen, Matti Lehtonen, Pekka Hämäläinen 2009 20th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2009)

EMTP Simulation of Lightning Overvoltage Discharge to Medium Voltage Overhead Lines with Covered Conductors

M.A. Omidiora, M. Lehtonen, R.J. Millar 2009 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (IET- CIRED2009), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2009

Cable ampacity analysis for low voltage underground networks laid in thermally unstable environments

G. Murtaza Hashmi, R. John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2008 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, ECT 2008

Cable Ampacity Analysis for LV Underground Networks Laid in Thermally Unstable Environments

G.Murtaza Hashmi, R.John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2008 International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, ECT08, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 8-9, 2008

Transformer Loading Conditions for Future Thermally Unfavourable Environments

G.Murtaza Hashmi, Matti Lehtonen, R.John Millar 2008 International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, ECT08, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 8-9, 2008

A distribution planning algorithm for the real world

Robert John Millar, Matti Lehtonen, Pekka Hämäläinen 2008 The 8th Nordic Distribution and Asset Management Conference 2008, NORDAC 2008, 8-9 September 2008 Bergen, Norway

Cable ampacity analysis for MV underground networks laid on thermally unstable environmets

G.Murtaza Hashmi, R.John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2007 ECT 2007, International conference on Electrical and control technologies, Kaunas, Lithuania, 3-4 May, 2007

A robust framework for cable rating and temperature monitoring

R.John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2006 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Cable ampacity - A Finnish perspective

John Robert Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2006

Real-time transient temperature computation of power cables including moisture migration modelling

R.John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2005 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2005, Liege, Belgium, August 22-26, 2005

Some considerations regarding the installed environment of underground power cables

John Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2003 CIRED, 17th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Barcelona, Spain, May 12 15, 2003

Cable Temperature Monitoring

R.J. Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2002 Modern Electric Power Systems MEPS'02, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland September 11-13, 2002

The power cable and its thermal environment

R. Millar, Matti Lehtonen 2002 Fifth Nordic Distribution and Asset Management Conference, NORDAC 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 7-8 2002