Electrifying society
Solving the challenges of electrification is not just a scientific question: it requires extensive societal debate.
Our department focuses on sustainable utilization of raw materials, designing and developing more efficient processes for new materials and products. We as chemical engineers contribute to the future society with sustainable processes enabling circular economy and bioeconomy.
The department is in a key position in research related to chemical engineering, materials technology, metals processing, efficient energy technologies and digitalization of these. Our core competences include unit operations and processes, hydro- and pyro-metallurgy, catalytic processes and materials, polymer engineering, process control and process systems engineering.
The department is in a key position in research of chemical engineering, materials technology, metals processing, efficient energy technologies and digitalization of these.
Our core competences include unit operations and processes in chemical engineering, hydro- and pyro-metallurgy, catalyst and polymeric materials, novel catalytic process, process control and process systems engineering.
Group led by Professor Riikka Puurunen
Group led by Professor Ville Alopaeus
Group led by Professor Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen.
Group led by Professor Mari Lundström
Group led by Professor Yongdan Li
Group led by Professor Michael Gasik
Group led by Professor Daniel Lindberg
Group led by Professor Rodrigo Serna
Group led by Professor Pekka Oinas
Group led by Professor Jukka Niskanen
Professors Francesco Corona and Iiro Harjunkoski
Group led by Professor Ari Jokilaakso
Group led by Professor Jukka Seppälä
We develop local and global networks
AALTOLAB is a virtual laboratory safety training platform developed at Aalto University. AALTOLAB helps both students and staff to maintain high-level safety standards in our laboratories.
Here you can find listed all the research groups at the department.
BATCircle aims at improving the manufacturing processes of battery chemicals and the mining and metals industries and to increase the recycling of lithium-ion batteries.
See all our school's programmes
Here new students and employees can find useful tips for a smooth moving.
We also gathered information about families and recreational activities.
Via this page you’ll find information on practical issues regarding moving to Finland, such as social security, taxation and opening a bank account.
Moving to Finland? Here you can learn more about practicalities.
For longer term accommodation in Helsinki region the best options are either renting or purchasing an apartment or a house. In case you are planning to purchase an apartment we recommend you to contact your bank and/or estate agencies to gain professional assistance and advice. Here you'll find information on renting an apartment, rental rates, and how to find an apartment.
Having social networks helps you feel at home! Aalto University organises many events and other possibilities for international staff and their families to meet and mingle and thus hopefully settle in smoothly. Some examples are Experiencing Finland and Aalto Club events. In addition, we have collected tips and links for you to find the most suitable information.
Professor Daniel Lindberg, a geologist and a chemist, encourages his students to study combinations of different subjects and fields of science.
Green ideas should penetrate both education and industry says Ville Alopaeus, awarded with Tapani Järvinen Environmental Technology Fund grant.
Circular economy is key.
Reimain in good spirits after bad results and don't give up!
Assistant professor Rodrigo Serna’s goal is to find new ways to produce sufficient raw materials for our modern society. Let’s hear more!
‘The great thing about this cooperation is that everyone wins,’ said Ari Jokilaakso, Professor of metallurgy.
Professor of Metallurgy Ari Jokilaakso’s researches the behaviour of chemical elements at high temperatures. He wants to give students a real understanding of chemical phenomena.
There is no electricity without metals
Ben Wilson, Staff scientist at CHEM
A discovery in the field of biomaterials may open new frontiers in stem and cancer cell manipulation and associated advanced therapy development.
Dean Janne Laine has appointed Mari Lundström, PhD, as a four-year fixed-term Assistant Professor (2nd term) position from 1 December 2017.
Mari Lundström wants to recover and reuse metals. She approaches her task with a steely resolve.
Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski has been appointed Adjunt Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering.
Finland was chosen to lead the strategic planning for battery recycling in Europe. Two key reasons for this achievement are the high-level research carried out in Finland and the close cooperation within the sector.
Solving the challenges of electrification is not just a scientific question: it requires extensive societal debate.
Studies in materials science and engineering at the School of Chemical Engineering led to work with battery metals and minerals. As a Technology Manager, Iita can influence the development of responsibility in the entire automotive sector.
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