Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and arranges related courses in the fields of electromagnetics, micro and nanotechnology, radio engineering, and space technology featuring an international team of over 150 Researchers and Research Assistants.

The department is part of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering with world-class research facilities and instruments; the largest clean rooms in the Nordic countries are located in the Micro- and nanotechnology centre Micronova. See our research infrastructures here.

Aalto University / Aalto satellite / photo: Mikko Raskinen


Photonics and Nanotechnology


Professor Zhipei Sun

Nanowire optical gate


Professor Markku Sopanen

Etched GaN surface

Nanoscience and Advanced Materials

Professor Harri Lipsanen

Nanotechnology Group

Micro and Quantum Systems

Professor Ilkka Tittonen

Artistic illustration of photoelectrochemical water splitting reaction at atomic level

Electron Physics

Professor Hele Savin

Hele Savin Group

Organic Electronics

Professor Caterina Soldano

Organic Electronics Group

Microwave and Integrated Circuit Design

Antennas and Wireless Sensors

Professor Ville Viikari

Millimeter-wave Vivaldi array

Antennas and propagation

Professor Katsuyuki Haneda

Magnetic simulations

Millimetre Wave and THz Techniques

Professor Zachary Taylor


Electronic Circuit Design

Professors Kari Halonen, Jussi Ryynänen, Martin Andraud, Kwantae Kim

Die microphotograph of an interface chip

Space Science and Technology

Space Technology

Professor Jaan Praks

aalto-2 satellite

Space Physics

Professor Esa Kallio

space weather

Space Weather

Adjunct Professor Tuija Pulkkinen



Visiting Professor Eija Tanskanen


Radio Astronomy

Professor Anne Lähteenmäki




Professors Ari Sihvola, Keijo Nikoskinen

Dipolianimation Still

Advanced Electromagnetic Materials and Structures

Professors Konstantin Simovski, Sergei Tretyakov

bianisotropic flatland

Designer Materials and Devices

Professor Viktar Asadchy

Artistic illustration of the concept of space-time metamaterials


The Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering contributes to the common Bachelor programmes of the School of Electrical Engineering, we arrange the Master's Programme in Electronics and Nanotechnology, and we provide post-graduate education through all of our research groups, as can be seen in our Doctoral dissertations.

Aalto electronics-ICT anechoic chamber for 2-60 GHz and two near-field scanners

Electronics and Nanotechnology, Master of Science (Technology)

By developing modern hardware technology, electronics and nanotechnology experts play a key role in shaping the future.

Study options
Aalto University / students in the corridor / photography Aino Huovio

Digital Systems and Design, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Technology)

Digital Systems and Design will make you an expert at the intersection between electrical engineering and design, with the hands-on skills to lead in your field.

Study options

Research infrastructure

Experimental work is the key for achievements in science. Our department is proud to offer state-of-the-art infrastructures that enable us to conduct internationally distinguished research. Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and offers education in three sites introduced below, as well as at MilliLab, a joint laboratory with VTT and ESA, offering device measurement and testing capabilities up to THz frequencies.

ele probe

Aalto Electronics-ICT

In the Aalto Electronics-ICT we conduct research in microelectronics, antenna and microwave engineering and space technology.

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering
Micronova cleanroom kuva: Aino Huovio


Micronova is part of OtaNano - Finland's national research infrastructure for micro- and nanotechnology, jointly run by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Aalto University.

Metsähovi Radio Telescope

Metsähovi Radio Observatory

Metsähovi Radio Observatory is the only astronomical radio observatory in Finland. Metsähovi’s main instrument is the 14-metre radio telescope, which is used around the clock, every day of the year. Its observational data is used, e.g., for studying active galaxies, the Sun, and the rotation of the Earth.


Introduction to research data management
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, IT & digital tools, Support for teams, Training to support research

Introduction to Research Data Management, Oct 9, 2024

Get to know the basics of RDM with Data Agent, Dr. Essi Viitanen from Research Services.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Micro- and nanosciences, M.Sc. MD Gius Uddin

Fabrication and characterization of two-dimensional material based devices for photonics and electronics (title of the thesis)
DMPs: A hybrid workshop for researchers
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, IT & digital tools, Support for teams, Training to support research, Workshops

Data Management Plans: A Hybrid Workshop for Researchers, Oct 11, 2024

Learn about writing a DMP in this hybrid workshop with Information Specialist Lucie Hradecká and Data Agent Enrico Glerean.
Image from remote site:
Lectures and seminars

Tähtitiistai: The Invisible Universe (external link)

Aalto University's Metsähovi radio observatory turns 50 this year. To mark the anniversary, an open lecture series "Tähtitiistait" will be held in the new Marsio building in autumn 2024. The event will be mostly in Finnish. Welcome!

Where to find us

Maarintie 8

Maarintie 8

Maarintie 8


Tietotie 3

Micronova cleanroom kuva: Aino Huovio

Head of department

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