Ledningen vid Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper
Information angående ledning och beslutsfattande vid Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper.
General topics
View the pages below for information on how the operations of the School of Engineering are organised, managed and developed.
Organisation and leadership
Descriptions of the units and leaders of the School of Engineering.
Strategic and operative management
Details on how the school's operations are directed and how planning works.
Management of teaching and learning
Descriptions of decision-making and management in the area of education at the School of Engineering.
Quality and development
Information on the quality system and its role in the school's activities.
Equality in the School of Engineering
Plans and measures for promoting equality among the School of Engineering community.
Beslutsfattande organ
Kommittén för doktorandprogram vid Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper beslutar om frågor gällande till exempel avhandlingar och studieplaner samt utvecklar innehåll för doktorandutbildningen och bereder förslag till den akademiska kommittén angående forskningsfältet för doktorandprogrammet.
Frågor gällande grundutbildningen hanteras av kommittén för examensprogram vid Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper, som på samma vis behandlar frågor relaterade till avhandlingar inom grundexamen, och bereder förslag angående enskilda programs läroplaner till den akademiska kommittén. Magisterprogrammet i Advanced Energy Solutions regleras av sin egen examensprogramkommitté.
För mer information (på finska och engelska), besök kommittéernas sidor nedan.
(Vissa sidor kan begära att du loggar in.)
The Academic Committee for Engineering approves curricula and degree requirements (delegated by the University Academic Affairs Committee) for the School of Engineering. The committee submits proposals on school-specific degree requirements and admissions criteria and on other matters related to academic activities and performs other tasks assigned by the dean and the University Academic Affairs Committee.
The Doctoral Programme Committee of the School of Engineering is responsible for administering the Doctoral Programme in Engineering. The committee's duties include the development of course contents, student selection as well as key elements of the dissertation process: the approval of topics, appointment of examiners and grading of finished works.
The duties of the School of Engineering Degree Programme Committee cover the administrative tasks related to degree education, including the evaluation and approval of master's theses, decisions on degree programme development as well as quality assurance and feedback processing. The degree programme committee also prepares proposals for the Academic Committee for Engineering regarding degree programme curricula, degree requirements and admission criteria.
Degree programme committee tasked with administering the Master's Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions.
Stödjande organ
Ett antal organ deltar i styrningen av högskolan genom att stödja de beslutsfattande organens arbete. Exempel på sådana organ är ledningsteamen vid högskolan samt dess institutioner och högskolans kommitté för tenure track.
The School of Engineering Management Team discusses operative matters and prepares issues for decision-making.
The SAB monitors and support the school's research and education activities, to give suggestions for the school's future direction and development and to assess the effects of past development measures.
Strategic and operative management
Details on how the school's operations are directed and how planning works.
Equality in the School of Engineering
Plans and measures for promoting equality among the School of Engineering community.
Quality and development
Information on the quality system and its role in the school's activities.
Interna regler
De primära reglerna för högskolans ledning beskrivs i Aalto-universitetets stadgar och i Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskapers stadgar.
Fem nya teknologie hedersdoktorer 2024 vid Aalto
Hedersdoktorerna promoveras i ceremoniella promotion i juni.URA-stiftelsen beviljade studiestipendium till 19 tävlingsidrottande studerande från Aalto
Stipendiet uppgår till 1 500 eller 3 000 euro för hela läsåret.Further information
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