Management of School of Engineering

Strategic and operative management

Aalto University's strategy is based on a living strategy model. The school's strategic planning follows the university's annual cycle consisting of three phases - reviewing the operating environment, follow-up of the strategy implementation and target-setting for the upcoming years.

Strategic and operative management of the school and its departments

In the beginning of the calendar year, the university's units self-assess their strategy implementation with the help of the previous year's results and feedback. These self-assessments are gathered together and reviewed as a whole by the President's Management Team (PMT) in the university review. The school also holds its own annual review early in the year to look back at the previous year with the help of key performance indicators (KPIs).

In the spring, the school holds departmental strategy dialogues between the dean and the departments' heads to discuss strategic implementation plans for the departments and to prepare for setting targets for the departments and the school. The first draft of the school's strategic implementation plan is compiled based on these discussions. It includes quantitative and qualitative objectives as well as proposals for tenure track slots.

The university's budget is approved by the Aalto University Board in June.

The dean prepares the final version of the school's strategic implementation plan to serve as the foundation of the university dialogue, which is held between the university and the school in late spring. The university dialogue centres on setting objectives for the next year and agreeing on a joint plan for the following three years. The next year's objectives and resources are finalised by the PMT and documented in the university's target agreement.

Based on the university's target agreement, the dean draws up a school-level performance agreement together with the heads of departments. The performance agreement includes plans for following years, KPI targets, development actions and an update to the departments' strategic implementation plans. The dean is assisted by a resource and investment working group in allocating funds appropriated for the school.

In addition to the annual cycle of strategic management cycle described above, Aalto University's operations are frequently assessed in different evaluation exercises that feed into both strategic target setting and process development.


Learn more about the University Review, University Dialogue and other annual processes at the university level.

Ioncell coat | Design by Anna-Mari Leppisaari | Photo by Eeva Suorlahti

Annual strategic processes

Get to know Aalto University's annual strategic planning processes and strategy documentation, monitoring and reporting.

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