Management of School of Engineering

Management Team

The School of Engineering Management Team is a body for discussing operative matters and preparing issues for decision-making.
International mobility

The School of Engineering Management Team members are the dean, vice deans, heads of the school's departments and the school's services. The school's executive assistant acts as the team's secretary. The management team provides a platform for discussing operative matters and preparing issues for decision-making in other bodies. The agendas for the meetings are prepared in the School of Engineering Service Team.

The school's departments operate their own management teams chaired by the heads of the  departments.

Management team meetings, 2023

  • Spring meetings:
    • 16 January, 13 February, 13 March, 17 April, 15 May, 12 June
  • Autumn meetings:
    • 21 August, 11 September, 9 October, 13 November, 11 December

Management team members

  • Dean Kari Tammi, chair
  • Vice Dean Seppo Junnila
  • Vice Dean Jani Romanoff
  • Vice Dean Antti Peltokorpi
  • Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering Pedro Vilaça
  • Head of Department, Civil Engineering Leena Korkiala-Tanttu
  • Head of Department, Built Environment Raine Mäntysalo
  • HR Manager Suvi Hormio
  • Corporate Engagement Specialist Heikki Lahtinen
  • Academic Affairs Manager Mirka Jalonen
  • Development Manager Elina Karvonen
  • Head of Finance Pekka Mård
  • Senior Research Liaison Officer Terhi Saarinen
  • Technology Manager Panu Sainio
  • International Affairs Manager Saara Sokolnicki
  • Communications Specialist Riitta Särkisilta
  • Aku Mustalahti, student representative
  • Executive Assistant Maarit Vuorio, secretary
  • Published:
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