Management of School of Engineering

Doctoral Programme Committee

The School of Engineering Doctoral Programme Committee is the academic body charged with administering the Doctoral Programme in Engineering.
Doctoral hats in Aalto University Conferment

The Doctoral Programme Committee of the School of Engineering is responsible for managing administering the Doctoral Programme in Engineering. The committee's duties include the development of course contents, student selection as well as key elements of the dissertation process: the approval of topics, appointment of examiners and grading of finished works.

The committee's members include its chair, a minimum of four professors who have merits in doctoral education and represent the school's central research fields and a student representative. One of the professor members may be from another school of Aalto University. A vice chair is elected from the among the committee's professor members. The term of office for the committee is three calendar years.

Members, 2020–2022

  • Chair: Risto Lahdelma
  • Members:
    • Seppo Junnila (vice chair)
    • Jussi Leveinen
    • Jouni Partanen
    • Jari Puttonen
    • Saana Rossi 
  • Deputy members:
    • Raine Mäntysalo
    • Matti Kummu
    • Pedro Vilaca
    • Simo Hostikka
    • Krishna Cauhan

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Engineering

Student study guide for the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Engineering

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Student guide illustration, doctoral programmes


Ritva Viero

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Upcoming public defences of doctoral theses

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