This page deals mainly with the School of Engineering. For details on university-level organisation, please refer to the Management of education section of Aalto Handbook.
Organising education
The organisation of education leading to a degree is the responsibility of the Aalto University schools. Degrees may include multidisciplinary studies and studies offered by another Aalto University school, and education leading to a degree may be organised in collaboration with other universities in Finland and/or abroad. Teaching leading to bachelor’s and master degrees is organised in the form of degree programmes, while doctoral education is organised in the form of doctoral programmes.
Study programmes in the School of Engineering
The departments organisecourses and teaching in the Bachelor's Programme in Engineering jointly. The Bachelor's Programme in Engineering is divided into major subjects, each one of which has a person in charge of developing and implementing its teaching.The school's vice dean for education acts as the director of the programme.
The departments are responsible for master's programmes and international joint programmes. According to the bylaws of the Aalto University School of Engineering, the dean of the school appoints the directors of the school’s degree programmes for three-year terms. Responsible persons of international joint master’s programmes are appointed indefinitely. The vice president for education appoints the programme directors for the master’s programmes that are organised in co-operation between Aalto schools.
The departments are jointly responsible for organising the Doctoral Programme in Engineering. The dean appoints the director of the doctoral programme to lead the doctoral programme and take charge of its planning, implementation, evaluation and development. The education leading to a doctoral degree is planned and organised by the doctoral programme on a research-field-specific basis. The school decides the doctoral research fields and designates the professors in charge of the research fields. The school also approves the research fields of students when granting rights to study.
Teaching is organised according to a programme's curriculum. The curriculum is a confirmed overall description of the learning outcomes of a degree programme, the goals and contents of the study modules, course selection and the organisation of teaching in a given period of time. Aalto University follows a two-year curriculum cycle.
The school holds programme reviews in connection with the University Dialogue process to cover the previous year's results, student feedback and development actions. Programme reviews are held separately for each department.