School of Arts, Design and Architecture

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Studies and programmes

The Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture is a Nordic leader in higher education for design, fashion, games, media, architecture, film, art education and art. We produce world-class research in art education, design and design thinking, digital media and visual culture, urban planning and architecture.
Woman sewing fabric at the School of Arts, Design & Architecture

Application periods 2023–2024

  • Master's Programmes: 30 November 2023 – 2 January 2024
  • Bachelor's Programmes in English: 3–17 January 2024
  • Bachelor's Programmes in Finnish and Swedish: 13–27 March 2024

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture offers 23 MA programmes and two MSc programmes, most of which can be completed in English. In addition, the school participates in two cross-disciplinary MA programmes with other Aalto schools (Creative Sustainability and International Design Business Management), as well as the Urban Studies Programme in combination with the University of Helsinki, which offers an MSc degree in Architecture and one in Landscape Architecture.

We educate students to be global citizens, contributing to their communities with imaginative, collaborative, compassionate and unconventional approaches to some of the most pressing challenges facing the world today.

Read more about our programmes below and take a look at our student and alumni stories!

Bachelor level studies in English

Apply to our Bachelor Programme in Design on 3–17 January 2024.

The Bachelor’s Programme in Design prepares students for designing future products, services and systems in a creative and critical manner. Design as a concept is no longer linked to purely physical objects but digital experiences and abstract concepts as well, enhancing its power to shape the world. 

Design thinking female

Design and Media, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Design is not linked purely to physical objects but digital experiences and abstract concepts as well, enhancing its power to shape the world. Embracing these opportunities, the Bachelor’s Programme in Design prepares students for designing future products, services and systems in a creative and critical manner.

Study options

Master's programmes in the Department of Architecture

Apply to our Master's Programmes on 30 November 2023 – 2 January 2024.

The Department of Architecture educates critical thinkers who accept their responsibility to research and design a socially, culturally and ecologically sustainable built environment.

Interior Architecture - Architecture, Landscape architecture and Interior Architecture, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Interior architecture addresses the close human scale of space and furniture to create meaning and value to people and organisations, and to transform and renew the everyday living environment. Dealing with the design of immediate interior and exterior environments, interior architecture requires understanding on human culture, needs and aspirations, the bodily experience and senses, and the spatial, material and technological means to meet these. A skilled interior architect is capable of integrating diverse elements into functional and experiential design solutions that exceed the users’ and clients’ expectations and are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.

The programme educates interior architects with a distinct design personality. It comprises studies on spatial design and furniture design. Concrete design assignments form a major part of education. The studies emphasise advanced practical design skills combined with conceptual and strategic design thinking and research-driven design. Students are encouraged to expand the frontiers of the discipline by addressing systems level problems and societal challenges across the scale of built environment.
Students graduated from the programme are eligible to work as professional interior architects.

Aalto Learning Centre Interior

Urban Studies and Planning, M.Sc in Architecture

"A diverse group of students with different backgrounds is inspiring. Every teacher has a different expertise and some different perspective to bring to the discussion, and the topics we learned broadened my knowledge of the city from very different perspectives”

Urban Studies and Planning

Architecture - Architecture, Landscape architecture and Interior Architecture, Architect, Master of Science

Architecture is technical and artistic, it is a social art and also an artful science.

Masters degree in Architecture

Master's programmes in the Department of Art and Media

Apply to our Master's Programmes on 30 November 2023 – 2 January 2024.

The Department of Art and Media conducts research and artistic activities across a broad range of subjects and themes. These include art education, contemporary art, curating, game design, new media, photography, visual communication design and visual culture. 

Visual Communication Design - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In the Visual Communication Design major you get to investigate contemporary modes of acting and thinking through visual communication.

Visual Communication Design

New Media - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In a technology-saturated world, it is indispensable to understand and study the impacts that technology has on individuals, organisations and society. The New Media major brings together a multicultural group of students with very versatile skills and backgrounds.

A person looking at a project work on a round table

Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

At VICCA, artists, curators and researchers aim to understand, challenge and shift the paradigms of contemporary art and the world around us.

The ViCCA prograne

Nordic Master in Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA), Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Nordic Master in Visual Studies and Art Education (NM NoVA) is a double degree program between Aalto University (Finland) and Aalborg University (Denmark) in which students achieve a comprehensive understanding of Nordic practices and traditions in art education, visual culture, and cultural work.

NoVA study options

Game Design and Development - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

A unique mix of artistic and technical aspects in game design and development, grounded in Nordic game dev culture and the latest research.

Climbing wall

Sound in New Media - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the Major in Sound in New Media is to explore, discover and comprehend the emerging digital technology and its aural impact in society; to find and exploit the possibilities it opens to acoustic communication, sonic interaction and new interfaces for musical expression and to evaluate, understand and deal with the challenges it poses to art, design, and creative production in the auditory domain.

Petteri Mäkiniemi and Ilpo Jauhiainen Musica Nova 2019 - Sound in New Media

Photography - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

A photograph has an all-piercing force in society and culture, impacting individuals, communities and nations alike. In our image-saturated world, the significance of a powerful photograph hasn’t been lost. If anything, artists and photographers with something to say are needed now, more than ever before.

Lada Suomenrinne: Iđitguovssu, 2021 (yksityiskohta teoksesta)

Master's programmes in the Department of Design

Apply to our Master's Programmes on 30 November 2023 – 2 January 2024.

The Department of Design educates front-line design professionals and visionaries for established, changing and emerging fields of design.

Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design - Design, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Grounded in research-based knowledge of societal, cultural, and global change, the studies in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design nurture creative exploration and conceptual thinking on a high artistic and professional level.

Aino Ojala, I Feel You 2023, MA Thesis

International Design Business Management, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

IDBM is a pioneering study programme that embodies the vision of Aalto University by integrating design and technology with global business development.

IDBM students at IDBM Impact showcasing a digital solution

Creative Sustainability, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The Master’s Programme in Creative Sustainability (CS) provides a multidisciplinary learning platform in the fields of design, business, and materials and chemical engineering.

Creative sustainability students studying

Contemporary Design - Design, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

What alternative materials can best replace plastic? How can traditional crafts be merged with contemporary design? What kind of products do we need in our changing society?

Iittala Experimental Design Process

Collaborative and Industrial Design - Design, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The studies in Collaborative and Industrial Design (CoID) focus on design's role in society. Students develop skills enabling them to work as design experts and leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators in a range of roles within industry, business, communities, education, and public sector.

Aalto-yliopisto A Grid / Photo: Unto Rautio

Master's programmes in the Department of Film

Apply to our Master's Programmes on 30 November 2023 – 2 January 2024.

Education in the Department of Film draws on artistic and pedagogical traditions, passing it on creatively and developing new forms of expression. During the education, students are familiarized with artistic processes, teamwork, historical and critical thinking, observations and interpretations of reality.

Costume Design: Performing Arts and Film - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The Costume Design major of the Master’s Programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television aims at creating the future professionals for the field of costume design, supporting the development of a dynamic artistic vision and a research-oriented approach for the performing arts and the film and media creative industries.

Costume Design

Production Design - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The major in production design involves training artistic designers who are responsible for the visual, operational and production entity of a film production.

Image of a film set which resembles a café.

Cinematography - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In Master’s Programme in Film and Television, major in Cinematography, the student deepens his/her vocational competence to achieve a greater mastery of the overall artistic, production and technical entity of his/her professional area in various film, TV and advertising productions.

A student in a hat filming in front of a red curtain.

Film Directing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Master’s programme in Film and Television, major in Film Directing in Elo Film school Finland strengthens the student’s capacity to generate and develop cinematic ideas, storybuilding and narration skills in addition to developing the director’s personal cinematic style and directorial identity.


Film Sound Design - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In film and television production, sound design plays a vital role in creating an end product that gives the viewer a holistic, artistic experience.


Film Editing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the MA degree is to develop the student into an expert of viewing and seeing, a storyteller and an artist.

Two students are laughing at the computer.

Film and Television Producing - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The goal of the Master’s Programme in Film and Television, major in Film and Television Producing, is to deepen the student’s skills in their chosen direction – towards independent audiovisual entrepreneurship, a research or development project in the film producing field, a deeper understanding of artistic leadership or some corresponding advanced competence planned together with the student.

Two students with a camera in front of a red curtain.

Screenwriting - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting for Film and Television is to strengthen the student's individual expression, skills in writing for film and the abilities required in artistic and production-related process work and group work. Master’s students become familiar with the central theoretical questions in the field and its research.

Two students sorting post-it notes on the wall.

Documentary Film - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The goal of the major in Documentary Film is to form innovative, critical, and analytical documentary filmmakers for both the national and international arenas. The students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the history and conventions documentary filmmaking. Moreover, the program will encourage students to engage future perspectives of documentary filmmaking as a storytelling, art and research form.

Students will be able to develop their artistic and research skills through creative enquiry, practice and collaboration. They will be able to combine practical mastery and conceptual thinking, increasing their professional competence and situating them at the forefront of the documentary filmmaking field.


Doctoral programme in Arts, Design and Architecture

The Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture doctoral programme enables you to study at a leading research university in several disciplines, under the supervision of our distinguished faculty.

Aalto ARTS

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture

The Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture offers an international doctoral programme for those seeking careers in art, design, film, media or architecture. A special feature of the programme is that the thesis can include art or design productions. The Department of Art and Media, the Department of Architecture, the Department of Design and the Department of Film, Television and Scenography offer doctoral studies for a Doctor of Arts (Art and Design) and a Doctor of Science (Architecture) degrees.

Study options

Stories from the School of Arts, Design & Architecture

How it is to study at the School of Art, Design and Architecture? What kind of projects are done during the studies? Who is working at our school? Where did our alumni end up? Check our stories and read more!

Internship in Japan: Working as an Industrial Designer at Mitsubishi Electric

Janne Pärssinen, a master student in Industrial Design, is delighted he had influence on the projects as an intern.

Janne Pärssinen seisoo Mitsubishi Electronicin rakennuksen edessä Japanissa.

Students designed spatial solutions for the new electric boat for Skand

Working on the first, already implemented prototype, young designers were able to outline the real space and proportions of the boat.

Pinta 1 -työssä veneen sisätilaratkaisut ovat avarat ja vaaleat.

Architecture students designed a wooden pavilion in front of the Design Museum

The pavilion is a Finnish-British modern interpretation of a tea house.

Kuva: Mikko Raskinen

Hollywood costume design goes sustainable

A textile artist sees natural materials as the future for costumes in television and film.

Urs Dieker working with wood, kuva Eren Öztekin

Alum Ksenia Avetisova is a human at the heart of technology

Ksenia Avetisova moves around the virtual world as part of her job, but what brought her to Finland was a live rock gig.

Aallon alumni Ksenia Avetisova katsoo peiliin järven rannalla, kuva: Aleksi Poutanen

Young Designer of the Year 2020 Ervin Latimer wants to highlight minorities

Latimer’s winning work draws on drag culture. Outfits play with the sexes and are adaptable.

vaatemallit seisovat metsän keskellä ja katsovat kameraan

Finnish TV’s Big Brother house facilities are designed for residents, as well as viewers

Aalto University's master's students in interior design created the BB house design.

kaksi naista istuu vaalealla karvataljalla violeteista putkista koostuvan taustan edustalla ja katsoo kameraan

Theses: Threading the needle – together!

Taking care of your clothes is an environmental act, says Marium Durrani. Communal clothing repair workshops are popular around the world and have now landed also in Finland to push against unsustainable fast fashion practices.

Marium Durrani ompelemassa käsin vaatekappaletta, jossa on kukkakuosi.

Fashion Design graduates among finalists in the Designers' Nest competition

Graduates from Fashion Design are once again paving the way for Finnish fashion design with their innovative and unique collections.

three models wearing candle headpieces and capes

Collaboration with Club For Five gave birth to a sonic installation

What does sound look like? How does art sound like? The art installation SOONI examines connections between sound and matter and their impact on well-being.

Kuvassa taideinstallaatio SOONI vaaleassa aulatilassa. Teoksen värikkäät tekstiilit liikkuvat teoksesta kantautuvan äänivirran mukana.

See also

Photo: Unto Rautio

School of Arts, Design and Architecture graduates in working life

School of Arts, Design and Architecture Master's graduates are successful in finding jobs relating to their education. On this page you can find information on job titles, job sectors and career development of our graduates.

School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Creativity Unfolded_blogi_visu_Milja Komulainen

Creativity Unfolded (external link)

Aalto University’s blog series Creativity Unfolded focuses on insights linked to creativity in a multitude of ways. Topics include design, technology, media, architecture, film, games, art theory and more. Read and join the conversation.

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