Department of Design

Department of Design

Collaborate with us

We offer our partners the opportunity to collaborate with international level designers and design researchers. Our values are human orientation, sustainable development, better living environment and social impact.

Design for Government 2018 photo by Heidi Konttinen

The Department of Design is in constant interaction with companies, organizations, universities, the society and the business community. Our research and education are internationally valued and interest the best students in the world. Our work is based on expertise, national cultural capital and dynamic international contacts. Research and education support each other and constantly create new thinking.

Collaboration projects benefit both sides as product ideas, new methods and perspectives, publications, as well as national and international contacts. Revenue from the projects is directly targeted to the development and maintenance of research and education quality.

Are you interested?

We will gladly tell you more about options for collaboration.
Please contact:

Some of our forms of collaboration

Find the producer of a thesis through us, commission a university-level or educational institution project or exhibition, or a project for an exposition. As a company you can also order a payment service project or take part in a collaborative project with Tekes or the European Union, for example.

Aalto JobTeaser- Recruit a student

We help employers recruit Aalto University students by publishing work and internship adverts as well as thesis and project assignments in Aalto JobTeaser.

Aalto-yliopisto/Aino Huovio


Aalto University offers numerous opportunities for collaboration and networking. How would you like to collaborate with us?

Emmanuel Macron visits Aalto University
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