Sotera Team
Meet the members of the research group
R&D Projects
SOTERA’s research and development activities fall in the focus areas of Aalto University, Health and Wellbeing and Human Centered Living Environments.
Multidisciplinary Collaboration
We collaborate with national and international researchers in the social and health care sector. We work with Finnish municipalities, ministries, organizations and private companies.
Articles and Publications
The research group’s work has scientific and societal impact. We publish scientific articles, and commissioned reports related to the R&D projects
Keynotes and Seminars
The staff members of SOTERA give keynote lectures and organize international seminars and conferences in the area of Health and Wellbeing Architecture.
Latest conference was organized in June 2021:
Meet the members of the research group
Tietoa meneillään olevista ja toteutuneista hankkeista.
List of publications from the Sotera Research Group
List of past and upcoming events organized by Sotera.