Research & Art

InstituteQ – The Finnish Quantum Institute

Aalto University, University of Helsinki and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland collaborate on quantum science and technology, under the umbrella of InstituteQ – The Finnish Quantum Institute.
InstituteQ. Photo: Jorden Senior.
Superconducting quantum device on a circuit board (Photo: Jorden Senior)

Building a quantum-ready society

The goal at InstituteQ is to raise the readiness of Finnish society for the disruptive potential and implications quantum technologies will have for society and the economy at large.

By 2026, novel educational programs, growing quantum industry and eminent research directions are in motion.

The efforts of InstituteQ facilitate fundamental scientific findings, adoption of novel technologies and development of new commercial opportunities.

The aim is to carry, implement and mutually benefit from front line education, research, innovations, and infrastructures.

Interested in quantum studies - see our programmes!

Come study Quantum Technology at Aalto University. We offer education in both Bachelor's and Master's levels, and several special courses.

Photo: Unto Rautio.

Study Quantum!

Come study Quantum Technology at Aalto University. We offer education in both Bachelor's and Master's levels, and several special courses.

Research & Art
Professor Jukka Pekola stood in a hallway smiling at the camera

The development of the field is clearly hindered by shortage of experts, that's why it is important to organise national education

Jukka Pekola, Acting Director

Top research, events and infrastructures

InstituteQ carries out and coordinates globally top-level research in fundamental quantum science and technology. InstituteQ also aims to broaden the impact of quantum technology in industry and business in Finland.

See more on the Institute Q website

QTF-hero logo

Quantum Technology Finland – The National Centre of Excellence (external link)

The national Quantum Technology Finland (QTF) Centre of Excellence brings together scientific and technological excellence and cutting-edge research infrastructures to harness quantum phenomena in solid-state-based quantum devices and applications.

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Aalto Quantum Physics seminars

Aalto Quantum Physics seminars are hosted at the Department of Applied Physics at Aalto University, and feature both local and international speakers on a variety of topics in quantum physics.

Department of Applied Physics
Picture of OtaNano lab equipment.


OtaNano is Finland's national research infrastructure for micro-, nano-, and quantum technologies

Aalto quantum news

Artistic illustration showing the creation of topological magnets.
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Researchers create entangled quantum magnets with protected quantum excitations

Researchers created a new quantum state of matter, dubbed a high-order topological magnet, that may address key issues in quantum technology.
A woman looks into a microscope.
Press releases Published:

A world first: Qubit coherence decay traced to thermal dissipation

Hitherto a mystery, the thermal energy loss of qubits can be explained with a surprisingly simple experimental setup, according to research from Aalto University.
Photo of female researcher on bright green background
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art Published:

"Keep an open mind and step outside of your comfort zone"

Read what double award winner Kukka-Emilia Huhtinen wants to share about her doctoral studies in theoretical physics
Photo of young man next to graphic with red arrows
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art Published:

"My PhD was great from every single point of view"

Read how Viliam Vaňo, Aalto thesis award winner, experienced his doctoral studies

Aalto quantum events

Acting Director:

General coordination:

InstituteQ operations lead, research and infrastructures (ResQ):

Aalto activities in ResQ:

Aalto activities in education and training (EduQ):

InstituteQ outreach:

Caterina Foti

Postdoctoral Researcher
Professor Jukka Pekola stood in a hallway smiling at the camera

Jukka Pekola announced as acting director of InstituteQ

Professor Pekola will lead the Institute as it starts its operations

The low-temperature plate inside of the refrigerator. The team attaches their bolometers here. Credit: Aalto University.

Finnish Quantum Institute announced

InstituteQ will coordinate research, teaching and commercialisation across Finland

InteraktiiQuantum Garden on interaktiivinen elektroninen valotaideteos, jota koskettamalla teoksen värit muuttuvat. Tummasävyisessä kuvassa kaksi kättä kurkottaa eriväristen valoantureiden päälle.

Quantum literacy for all

What do computers, cell phones and GPS navigation have in common? And what about digital cameras, solar panels and fibre optics? The answer is that the functioning of these devices is based on quantum phenomena.

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