
Aalto University pedagogical training for faculty

Do you want to develop yourself as a teacher? Aalto University Teacher Services offers pedagogical courses to support pedagogical skills of faculty members.

The pedagogical training offers you a possibility to familiarise yourself with teaching, learning and educational development. The training is organised both in English and in Finnish.
People talking and working in the café in Harald Herlin Learning Center, white lamps hanging in front.
A logo on seaside, photo by MIkko Raskinen

Pedagogical training in autumn 2024

Aalto University offers pedagogical courses to support pedagogical skills of faculty members. The autumn 2024 courses are now published!

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Basic information

Course descriptions

The following courses are offered or have been offered in Aalto pedagogical training. All the courses are not offered all the time.

For information about coming courses and their enrolment, please find the link at the top part of this web page.

Core courses

Structure of pedagogical courses
The structure of pedagogical training (25 ECTS)

The training programme consists of four core courses: A! Peda Intro, Learning and teaching in higher education, Course design, and Teaching practice. A! Peda Intro-course is prerequisite for the other courses.

The core courses are usually taught twice a year: once in English and once in Finnish.

A! Peda Intro (5 cr)

The A! Peda Intro course is designed to introduce you to the principles and methods of university pedagogy. The aim of this course is to offer new ideas and tools to help you to develop your teaching.
Please note that this course substitutes the previous O3 course (offered at TKK), so you cannot include both of these courses into a training programme.

Three Aalto University students lean over a table looking at a laptop screen.

Learning and teaching in higher education (5 cr)

Learning and teaching in higher education (5 cr)

Two business students, one is holding a laptop, discussing with the Professor after his lecture. Another group of students talk in the background.

Course Design (5 cr)

Course Design, 5 cr. If you are interested in designing a course or if you would like to redesign your course or part of it, this course is for you.

Aalto University Open University Finnish course

Teaching Practice (5 cr)

Teaching Practice (5 cr)

Networking Workshop

Thematic courses

The training programme requires 5 ECTS of thematic studies, but you are free to study more than that. Unlike of core courses, offering of thematic courses varies each year.

For future offerings, check the Upcoming courses (requires Aalto login) section above. The past implementations you can find below, under the Training in previous semesters.

Training in previous semesters

Pedagogical training in spring 2024
Pedagogical training in autumn 2023
Pedagogical training in spring 2023
Pedagogical training in autumn 2022
Pedagogical training in spring 2022
Pedagogical training in autumn 2021
Pedagogical training in spring 2021
Pedagogical training in spring 2020
Pedagogical training in fall 2019

Contact information

  • MyTeaching Support -service: Questions from Aalto University teachers and staff regarding pedagogical courses, course registration and course schedules.
  • [email protected] email: Questions from external parties regarding pedagogical courses.

Other useful information and training for Aalto university's teachers

Teaching and learning

A landing page for teachers to help them find services and support related to teaching and learning.

Lecture hall during the lecture

Training to support digital teaching

The Teacher services team organises training events, webinars and workshops for users of shared learning platforms and tools. MyCourses, Panopto, Turnitin, EXAM, Presemo

Tiimitapaaminen / kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto, Unto Rautio

Teacher services

The Teacher services team advances learning centricity and the quality of teaching by offering support services for the teaching staff. The team is a part of Learning Services.

Looking at course information on MyCourses

Personal Impact

Personal Impact brings to light already existing courses in Aalto University on values and meaningfulness, self-leadership, societal impact, human potential and well-being.

Personal Impact hero page logo
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Staff Training

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