
Pedagogical training in autumn 2023

Aalto University offers pedagogical courses to support pedagogical skills of faculty members. Enrol now to autumn 2023 courses!
Aalto pedagogical training 25 ECTS

Aalto University offers several pedagogical courses for teaching faculty in autumn 2023

Aalto University offers pedagogical courses to support pedagogical skills of faculty members. Please find the course descriptions and their enrolment forms by clicking the links below. As a rule, information about admission to the course is sent to those registered no later than three weeks before the start of the course.

Some courses have prerequisites that can be found in the course description. The training programme (25 ECTS) consists of four core courses (A! Peda Intro, Learning and teaching in higher education, Course design, and Teaching practice) and elective courses. You are welcome to study more elective courses than the 5 ECTS needed for the training programme!

Core courses in autumn 2023:

Elective courses in autumn 2023:

Please note that the course selection may be subject to minor changes or additions during autumn 2023.

Please note that registration for pedagogical courses is not possible from outside Aalto University.

For more information on the pedagogical training at Aalto, please see our main page or send your question via MyTeaching Support form.

People talking and working in the café in Harald Herlin Learning Center, white lamps hanging in front.

Aalto University pedagogical training for faculty

Are you looking to develop your skills as a teacher? Participate in Aalto pedagogical training!

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