Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

Experiment underway in the Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

At the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, together and with passion, we research, teach, develop and create solutions targeting social need and shaping a safe and efficient future generation of materials, manufacturing, structures, machines, ships, energy flows and systems.


The department’s research focuses on developing the next generation of devices, machines and systems. This translates to a focus on new technologies that are more efficient, more durable and thus more sustainable.

Energy Conversion and Systems

In Energy Conversion and Systems research group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering our mission is to educate game-changing energy and HVAC engineers and researchers, to support industries and communities in their decarbonization and green energy transition processes, to make world top class research and to actively communicate research findings to general public and focus on active publishing in high quality scientific journals.

Hydrogen combustion

Marine and Arctic Technology

We focus on the behaviour of ships and structures in normal and extreme environments. We do our research by considering the safety of maritime transportation, as well as the experiences the marine environment can offer to cruise vessel passengers.

A model ship sails in the Aalto Ice and Wave Tank basin.

Materials to Products

Materials to Products research group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering


Mechatronics design aims to enhance the performance of machines, improve their price-performance ratio and increase functionality.

Mechatronics research device


The Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering offers education on the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level.


The department makes use of a variety of high-quality infrastructure located around the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi.

Opiskelijoita työskentelemässä Design Factorylla

Aalto University Design Factory

Design Factory serves all Aalto University schools by providing an experimental co-creation platform for interdisciplinary learning


ADDLAB, Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory

ADDLAB, Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory, is a research organization initiated by the Aalto University's School of Engineering and School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

School of Engineering
Aalto Ice Tank

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose basin ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.

Research and learning infrastructures
Industrial Internet Campus is a co-innovation lab for students, researchers and companies

Industrial Internet Campus

Aalto University Industrial Internet Campus (AIIC) is a platform for students, researchers, and companies to innovate and co-create smart, connected products and services. Industrial Internet Campus enables multidisciplinary research, education and innovation together with industrial partners.

Contact information: Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

Find contact details for the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering.

Get in touch


Otakaari 4
University Published:

Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering is the new name of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

The name change was confirmed as part of the update to the School of Engineering bylaws.
A ship in the sea
Press releases Published:

Ammonia – a new green energy solution? Research project receives €2.5 million in funding

Ammonia is a promising alternative fuel for the marine industry and for storing green hydrogen, but there are many question marks over its use.
Aalto yellow pen
For Aalto community Research & Art Published:

New open access agreement with The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Aalto University has signed a new open access agreement with ASME.
The key research device at the ARotor laboratory in Otaniemi is a measurement and grinding machine with a paper machine roll.
Research & Art Published:

'It is just not possible' pushes mechanical engineering researchers towards more ambitious goals

Long-term cooperation and work in Valmet’s Veturi projects produce results for the needs of heavy industry.


Exploring machine learning in research
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Support for teams, Training to support research

Exploring Machine Learning in Research, Nov 11, 2024

Learn about using machine learning in research with Data Agent, Enriqueta Noriega Benitez.
Ask a Data Agent, weekly RDM support hour, 1-2 PM on Zoom
For Aalto community Support for teams, Training to support research

Aalto Data Agents' weekly support hour on Zoom

A weekly Zoom room to come and ask us anything about research data and open science: data management, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, reproducibility, responsible conduct of research, data privacy, ethics.
Cover image: Research funding seminar series, part 3
For Aalto community Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Training to support research

Research funding seminar series, part 3/3: Grant writing seminar focusing on the Research Council of Finland, 13.11.2024

Aalto University Research Services will hold a seminar on writing a strong funding application. The focus will be especially on the RCF’s Academy fellowship proposals in the January 2025 call, but many hints are also useful for Academy project applications.
Methods for digitising and virtualising human behaviour
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, IT & digital tools, Support for teams, Training to support research

MAGICS: Methods for Digitising and Virtualising Human Behaviour, Nov 14, 2024

Learn about the MAGICS infrastructure and services with Staff Scientist Dr. Antti Ruotoistenmäki.

Where to find us

Otakaari 4

Mechanical engineering 1, K1

Otakaari 4


Puumiehenkuja 5

Main entrance to the Viima building

Puumiehenkuja 3

Mechanical engineering 2, K2

Puumiehenkuja 3

Tietotie 1

Marine Technology, Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Tietotie 1 main entrance

Sähkömiehentie 4

Mechanical engineering 4, K4

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