
Storage services for research data

There are a number of solutions available for storing your data. As the research proceeds, the needs for the storage may change and most likely the data needs to be stored in several systems or with different access rights during its lifecycle. To get the most out of your data during its lifecycle, keep it managed, documented, secured and backed up.
The image is from Aalto University material bank.


Aalto network drives are recommended file storage space for research data (see link below for further information). The storage has automatic backups and it is suitable for confidential data. The network drives are easy to use with Aalto internal data.

Fairdata IDA could be used for storing large datasets for publishing. IDA is not suitable for confidential data.

File storage space for research and groups (TeamWork)

Researchers, research groups and projects can use the specific TeamWork file service. Features are adjusted to meet the needs of each group.

People in Learning Center

Fairdata services

The Fairdata services enable verifiable and reproducible science and secure preservation of digital research outputs.

Green text and a tree supporting a blue sphere with small binary numbers on it

Sharing and collaboration

For daily teamwork with a project group, use Microsoft Teams for best experience in digital collaboration. Teams may be used in groups with external partners too.

To share files with external partners, cloud file sharing services are useful. Aalto IT Services supports Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Google Drive. Using Dropbox with Aalto account is enabled too.

Use Aalto account to get more storage space and advanced features. It's not secure to handle university data with private accounts.

Collaboration with confidential data

Collaboration with confidential data requires paying attention to security. You can work safely with these services when extra security measures are followed:

  • Eduuni: access restricted to authorized people only
  • Teams, OneDrive for Business, Google Workspace, Dropbox: access restricted to authorized people only, no link sharing allowed
  • Funet FileSender: use built-in File encryption option with a strong password. Share password via secure channel (encrypting messaging app, SMS, ...).

Cloud storage - OneDrive & Google Drive

OneDrive for Business and Google Drive offer a 5TB online storage space. These services also offer the possibility to share and modify files, for example directly from the browser.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a convenient collaboration tool for all people of Aalto.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Eduuni - Teamwork environment

The Eduuni workspace includes Microsoft SharePoint workspaces for use by organisations, networks, projects and teams. Eduuni is used mostly for EU-wide, international research projects, because it enables cooperation also with parties outside of Aalto University. If the information stored is not confidential, it is advisable to use Microsoft Teams for teamwork.

Options for storing and publishing data

For more details on the different storage services and data repositories for publishing data, please check the pages linked below:

  • Comparison sheet about Data storage, File services
  • What file storage to use when? guide lists recommended services for common scenarios
  • Practical steps to publish the research data

Data Storage, File Services

Comparison of different file services (home & work, file services, cloud, teamwork, teams, onedrive, googledrive, fairdata ida) .

What file storage to use when?

Recommended file storage services to use in various use cases.

Cloud storage

Practical steps to publish the research data

Publishing the underlying research data increases citations to your journal articles and other publications.

Aalto University library inside

Data documentation, folder organization, and describing datasets in repositories

Data documentation, organization, and publishing and describing datasets in data repositories helps to ensure the usability and comprehensibility of your research data.

The image is from Aalto University material bank.

Confidential data and security

Pay special attention to data handling to prevent disclosure of confidential data. Important considerations include:

  1. First, classify the information. How sensitive is it?
  2. Are there legal restrictions, nondisclosure agreement, or external requirements on how to handle the data and what services to use?
  3. Plan the handling of personal data in the beginning of your research.
  4. Use only approved IT systems for storage, transfer and sharing of confidential data (see the basic guide to information classifications).

Below are some links to help you consider the security aspects mentioned above.

How to handle personal data in research?

Recognize whether you are processing personal data and follow these instructions to handle it correctly.

Personal data

Links to research data management instructions

Follow these links to navigate through research data management instructions.

Aalto University provides services, instructions and support to help our researchers manage their data well. Webinar training series on RDM and open science to everyone.
You can find recordings of the past webinars on this channel: Aalto Research Services - YouTube

Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science

Properly managed research data creates competitive edge and is an important part of a high-quality research process. Here you will find links to support, services and instructions for research data management.

People talking with each other
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Research and Innovation Services

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