
IT Services for Research

On this page, you will find a selection of IT tools for researchers including devices, collaboration solutions, websites, IT support as a service, data storages and backups, data transfers, computing, on-premise and cloud resources, security support and IT guiding.

Editor's Picks

Service Status (external link)

Real-time information about service status in Aalto.

Remote research

IT services for research and creative practices - remote tool collection

Instructions and tips for remote research and creative practices.


TIP! If you are interested in the IT development happening at Aalto University, please check Digital Aalto. 

Devices and IT tools

Collaboration Tools


Research data

Funding, publishing, and reporting

Research IT support as a service

For basic IT guidance and troubleshooting, please contact IT Service Desk. You can also contact an IT customer relationship manager at your school for any IT assistance and solution consulting. 

Infrastructure, cloud and artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI)



In case of questions related to cyber security for research, never hesitate to contact IT Service Desk or drop an email to Aalto IT Security team. 

IT service providers outside Aalto


Contact us



IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk is a contact point for the users of the Aalto University IT needing basic IT guidance and troubleshooting. 

IT Customer Relationship Managers

Every school has its own IT account responsible who can assist and consult with IT services and cases. They are the main contact point for IT development and solution advice in schools and can be reached at [email protected]

People and contact information

There are the several ways to find people in Aalto. Most popular for research are:  

  1. - Research information portal. Profiles can be found at page:
  2. - People Hub page information in
  3. - Phone book




If you don't find answer you can send a question to your school  IT Customer Relationship Managers they can assist and consult with IT services and cases. They can be reached at [email protected].

This service is provided by:

IT Services

Did you find what you were looking for? If not, please contact us.
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