
Liftups visualise content

Here, you will find a short description of and a link to the different liftup components available to you at With them, you can visualise and highlight the versatile content on the site.

Usually, links are created manually by linking one page to another. The liftup component allows you to create a relationship between pages and the Drupal platform makes sure the link is up-to-date and working if changes are made to the linked page. Whenever the content on the linked page changes, the link will work without a need for a manual update. Liftups can be used with a variety of content, including hubs, events, research groups, and user profiles.

Automatic vs. Manual liftups

There are two main content liftup types – automatic and manual.

The manual liftups are used to direct users towards the key content sections of the site, and can be seen as navigational items or links. With manual liftups, you manually select one or more pages where you want to guide the users to. The component displays the links automatically, including the title, main image, and summary.

The automatic liftup is used to display content, such as news and events, as a feed. It shows the most recent items that match the liftup settings. For example, if you want to show the latest news related to a certain topic, you can set an automatic liftup to find all news with tags related to that topic. The component will display the most recent items.

Manual liftups

Screen capture of manual liftups

Manual liftups

The component offers you four display modes: small, mini liftup, medium, and accordion. Why not try them out!

On the right edge a person with shoulder-length hair is moving out of the picture; behind them is a black background with narrow light strings horizontally on it.

Single liftup

Single liftup is a great way to highlight an important source of information. Learn how!


Automatic liftups: news, events & articles

This component helps you create newsfeeds and list upcoming events.

Read more
Example of an automatic liftup on The liftup shows four different news.

External and people liftups

You can also lift up external content with the external liftup and people's contact information with the people liftup.

Laptop computer keyboard detail / photo: Aalto University, Matti Ahlgren

People liftups

These components are good and practical tools to show contact details for a department, service unit, or members in a project. The order of the contact details can be random, manually or alphabetically organised.

Screenshot of an external liftup for Aalto Social

External liftup

External liftups are used to create links to content residing outside of site in a way that is cohesive with the rest of your page.


Manual liftups: Compact listing

If you page includes many links, liftups with images might make the page too heavy for the reader. You may consider using the Compact listing as a way to group related links in a readable, concise list.

Listing title

A short description is optional. The content in the description is limited to 240 characters.

Another listing title

You can add 2-5 links per listing and maximum 3 listings per row.

Need more Drupal instructions?

Below you can find instructions on tagging your content, which is needed for using automatic liftups. We've also linked here an article with tips on linking your content to other content.

Tagging content at

Webpages can be tagged through a number of metadata fields. Each metadata field has a purpose, providing structure to the page (Content home) and information to search filters and feeds (Primary/Secondary tags, Relates to and Category).

Tips on using links, liftups and attachments

We explore three different ways of directing users to other pages or files.

Photo: Unto Rautio
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