Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Aalto.fi website: Drupal instructions

The content management system of aalto.fi is Drupal. On this page, you can find news and instructions to make most out of editing the site. Should you have any feedback regarding the site, please send it to [email protected].

On the right edge a person with shoulder-length hair is moving out of the picture; behind them is a black background with narrow light strings horizontally on it.

First steps in Drupal

Laptop typing

Editing rights to aalto.fi website

The personnel of Aalto University updates the site.

Illustration that shows how aalto.fi is built on independent hubs and pages and doesn't have a hierarchy.

Beginner's guide to Drupal

This guide is a portal to instructional content for new editors at aalto.fi.

A laptop and papers on a table.

Best practices for Drupal beginners

New at Drupal and having trouble designing a good-looking page? Look no further! Here are some best practices for creating content at aalto.fi.

All Drupal instructions

Useful information in creating content

Components: how to create content for aalto.fi?

Get to know the aalto.fi components for creating versatility and visuality when delivering your content.


Profiles at aalto.fi

On this page you will find more information on the personnel profiles used at the aalto.fi website.

Tools for writing_photo by valeria_aksakova

Writing for the web

Improve your writing skills for online content

Drupal: Aalto.fi website
Photo_Writing outdoors_designed by Freepik.

Online searches

Understand how to make your webpages more findable.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Accessible communication

Learn about accessible digital communication at aalto.fi

Drupal: Aalto.fi website
Siteimprove broken links page

Monitoring and improving webpages

Use Google Analytics and SiteImprove to boost performance.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Additional support

Harald Herlin Learning Centre, a view from the second floor to downstairs reading area. Photo by Aalto University / Tuomas Uusheimo

FAQ on aalto.fi and Drupal

Find answers to some commonly asked questions regarding aalto.fi and its content management system Drupal.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website
Workday Learning sovellus käytössä. Kuvaaja / Unto Rautio

Need help with your Drupal content?

There is an abundance of resources available to web editors at aalto.fi. Learn about online resources, trainings and meetups that will help you create great content.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website

For advanced editors

Siteimprove logo
Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Valuable insights into SiteImprove analysis

Siteimprove will help you improve the content of your webpage including quality, accessibility and SEO.
Screenshot of a search performed at aalto.fi
Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Understanding the logic behind aalto.fi search

Learn about the internal search to make sure relevant results rank high.
Image with three hotspots over a background mountain
Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Interactive hotspots for maps and infographics

The new aalto.fi feature allows you to add image-based interactive content.
A still image of the new her video, showing the Otaniemi campus from above
Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Hero video for hub landing pages

Get to know the specifics of this new component.
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