Management of School of Science

The School of Science management site presents information regarding the decision-making processes of the school and the bodies involved.

Organisation and leadership

The units and leaders of the School of Science.


Strategic and operative management

Details on how the school's operations are directed and how planning works.

Ilmakuva Otaniemen kampuksesta

Contact the School of Science

Phone numbers and Email addresses of Key Staff

SCI chrystal flowers -näyttely, keltaisia säteitä. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

Materials in SCI staff Sharepoint (available for Aalto community)

Academic decision-making

The primary body for academic issues is the Academic Committee. Select academic matters are also handled by the school's doctoral programme committee and degree programme committees, in accordance with school bylaws.

Academic Committee

Academic Committee for Science

Aalto University Undergraduate Center Interior

Doctoral Programme Committee

Doctoral Programme Committee of the School of Science

Aalto University Undergraduate Center

Preparation and support for decision-making

A number of other bodies participate in the governance of the school by supporting the work of the decision-making bodies. Examples include the management teams of the school and its departments and the school's tenure track committee.

Teaching Evaluation Committee SCITEC

Teaching Evaluation Committee at the School of Science

Aalto Learning Centre Interior

Education Management Team

Education Management Team of the School of Science

Aalto University Learning Centre Library

Tenure Track Committee - School of Science

Tenure Track Committee of the School of Science

Aalto University Y Block Hall

Working Groups

Working Groups at the School of Science

Aalto University Y Block

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board has an important function in evaluating the research quality and supporting the development of the School.

Equality, diversity and inclusion group

The equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) group supports the Dean in developing the school in its path to a more diverse and inclusive place to study and work. The group is responsible for the equality, diversity and inclusion work at the School, including the annual SCI EDI action plan.

SCI EDI group


Quality and development

Promoting quality is an animating principle of Aalto University in all of its operations as well as the responsibility of every member of the university community.

Otakaari 1 Grand hall empty

Academic careers

Tenure track

Aalto University’s tenure track career system offers a well-supported and clear career path for professor-level academics towards a permanent professorship.

At work

Lecturer career system

Aalto lecturer career system is intended primarily for individuals conducting teaching. The lecturer career system supports individual development and career advancement through clear principles and systematic evaluation criteria and allows Aalto teachers and lecturers to advance in their careers with teaching-focused merits. Teachers and lecturers have the opportunity to advance within the career system, from the university teacher level to the university lecturer level, and further to the position of a senior university lecturer and principal university lecturer. This page contains principles of the lecturer career system, levels in lecturer career system, generic time allocation in lecturer career levels as well as descriptions of recruitment and advancement processes.

Opiskelijalla kynä kädessä

Other academic positions

This page describes other academic positions than tenure track professor and lecturer positions. Here you will also find official policies and procedures for other academic positions as well as instructions on how to appoint a docent.

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