Aalto Handbook

Teaching Evaluation Committee SCITEC

The Teaching Evaluation Committee (SCITEC), is responsible for the evaluation of teaching at the School of Science. Its aim is to help departments in the Tenure and Lecturer Track recruitment processes and later in evaluations leading to promoted positions, focusing in particular in assessing the teaching competence of a person.
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SCITEC has an independent role in the evaluation of teaching competence. It draws up an independent statement on the candidate’s teaching competence on the basis of which the evaluated teacher is able to see e.g. which skills they need to improve. The statement is delivered to TT committees of the department, the school (and the university). Through the process teachers may become more aware of their teaching and identify their strengths and development areas. SCITEC also gives the applicants a range of recommendations, such as pedagogical training or testing different teaching methods.

The committee has representation from most of the departments of the School; at a minimum there are members from each discipline, educational developer and student members trained to evaluate teaching. 

SCITEC Members (1.8.2021–31.7.2024)

Antti Hannukainen, Professor (Dept. of Mathematics and Systems Analysis), chair, 1.9.2023-

(Jari Saramäki, Professor (Dept. of Computer Science), chair -31.8.2023)

Harri Hakula, Principal University Lecturer (Dept. of Mathematics and Systems Analysis)

Karlos Artto, Professor (Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management)

Timo Seppälä, University Lecturer (Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management), 1.9.2023-

Alex Jung, Professor (Dept. of Computer Science), 1.9.2023-

Petter Holme, Professor (Dept. of Computer Science), 1.9.2023-

Kerttu Pollari-Malmi, Senior University Lecturer (Dept. of Computer Science)

Juha Sorva, Senior University Lecturer (Dept. of Computer Science)

Emppu Salonen, University Lecturer (Dept. of Applied Physics)

Matilda Backholm, Professor, (Dept. of Applied Physics), 1.3.2024-

(Christian Flindt, Professor (Dept. of Applied Physics), -29.2.2024)

Linda Henriksson, Senior University Lecturer (Dept. of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering)

Matias Palva, Professor (Dept. of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering)

Miia Forstén, Educational developer, secretary

Ida Parkkinen, Student member, 1.1.2024-

Oskari Järvinen, Student member, 1.1.2024-

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