Management of School of Science

Education Management Team

Education Management Team of the School of Science
Aalto University Learning Centre Library

School of Science has an education management team which discusses operative education matters and prepares issues for decision making for the Dean and academic affairs committee.

The Vice Dean (teaching) acts as a chair. Members are programme directors including doctoral programme director and representatives of the guilds. Also the Vice Heads (teaching) of departments are invited. Manager of Academic Affairs acts as a secretary of the team. Also specialists from different fields/services are invited as request. Education management team has meets 3–4 times per semester. 

The School of Science Education Management Team

Vice Dean Ari Koskelainen, chair
Manager of Academic Affairs Mari Knuuttila, secretary
Dean Jouko Lampinen
Assistant prof. Mikko Jääskeläinen
Prof. Petri Vuorimaa
Prof. Mika Sillanpää
Prof. Tuomas Aura
Prof. Anton Kuzyk /Alex Frey
Prof. Adam Foster
Prof. Lasse Leskelä
Prof. Jens Schmidt
POP Risto Sarvas/ Niina Nurmi
Senior University Lecturer Jani-Petri Martikainen
Prof. Mikko Möttönen
prof. Aki Vehtari
Prof. Robin Gustafsson
Prof. Riikka Korte
Prof. Nuutti Hyvönen
Senior University Lecturer Mika Nieminen
Student members/ Guild members 
Vice heads of department (teaching) 
Also Planning Officers and Coordinators of the Programme if needed

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