Study at Aalto

Career opportunities and employability for Aalto students

We at Aalto University want to support students in shaping their own study and work path already from the beginning of their studies. Learn more about career opportunities that our studies, community and networks open. You can also familiarise yourself with the services that help you to plan your dream career during your studies.
Students sitting and discussing in a lounge area with coffee and notebooks

Career services and development

Aalto University’s Career Design Lab helps students prepare for their future by providing coaching, career counselling, job fairs and recruitment tools for students. The services include both general tips and practical tools for designing a career path and preparing for future work life. We encourage students to start exploring opportunities step by step already from the beginning of their studies!

Career design is an experimental approach to creating a meaningful career path. It’s encouraged to test different opportunities creatively when trying to discover your interests. For example, Aalto’s versatile and active community is a perfect place to learn valuable career skills and broaden networks in a student environment. Each project, volunteer role and summer job expand your skillset and help you to define your interests and strengths. 

Career Design for Students

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design Lab
a laughing woman in an art workshop

Design a Meaningful Career (external link)

In this self-paced online course you will learn how to shape your career as you go in the radically changing world of work.

A man listening lifewide learning courses while doing sports

Learn online

Open online courses in Aalto's key areas of expertise are available to you free of charge, and you can start learning right away.

Lifewide Learning

Networking during the studies

We believe that hands-on learning and collaboration make a perfect foundation for developing creativity and problem-solving skills. In many courses, students get to solve real-life business challenges and present their solutions to company representatives. Depending on the field and programme, students can also put their learnings into practice in workshops or laboratories.

In addition to the networks built in the classrooms, our student union’s active subject clubs ensure you can grow your networks with relevant people in your field. The subject clubs organise events tailored to students within specific fields or subjects. In these events, you can get a chance to meet other students and alumni from your field, or potentially your future employer! 

Unite! intercultural students working in a group around a laptop

Want to read more about earlier study projects?

Here you can find more news about various real-life challenges Aalto students have worked on with companies and other organisations.

Corporate collaboration

Aalto ranked #39 globally in the indicator measuring the institutions' ability to ensure a high level of employability for their graduates.

QS World University Rankings 2024: Top global universities

Aalto graduates’ employment and working in Finland

Aalto master’s graduates build diverse career paths and are employed very well. Aalto University Career Services follows the career development and labour market situation of our degree graduates five years after graduation. According to the 2022 survey, of those who completed their degree five years ago, 96 % think that the degree is valued by employers and 93 % would recommend their education to others. Aalto graduates generally find a job corresponding to their education and receive a high salary.

The majority of international students from Aalto University find employment in Finland after graduation. We want to do our best to support our international students in finding a place to work in Finland. For example, Aalto International Talent Programme offers mentoring and networking opportunities to support international students’ careers. Finland Works course and Finnish language courses aim to help students to understand the Finnish work culture and to navigate in the working life, and Aalto University Mentoring Programme connects students and working-life experts.

Otakaari 1

Aalto University graduates in working life

Aalto University Career Services follows the career development and labor market situation of their alumni.

Smiling people sitting and standing around a table.

Aalto International Talent Program

Aalto International Talent Program is a group mentoring initiative bringing together our international degree students and companies looking for talent. Join us!

Career Design Lab
Illustration of a person holding their CV.

Finland Works open online course (external link)

In this course, we will look at how to navigate Finnish working life and how to build a career. We explore working life in Finland from societal, organisational and individual perspectives.

Ihmisiä osallistumassa työpajaan. Päällä teksti Kielibuusti Språkboost. Kuva Anni Hanén.

Kielibuusti - Teaching Finnish and Swedish to international experts

Kielibuusti (Language Boost) develops the teaching of Finnish and Swedish. Learn more about how we do it!


Residence permits after graduation | Finnish Immigration Service (external link)

After graduation, students can apply for an extended residence permit for up to two years.

Read our alumni's stories

    Siniseen asun pukeutunut Maija Jokela istumassa pyöreän pöydän ääressä neuvotteluhuoneessa, taustalla suuren sohvan oranssi selkänoja.

    ‘I was accepted everywhere except medical school, and I thought I would take structural engineering to revise mathematics and physics.’ 

    ‘The work [construction consulting] opened my eyes to all that project and construction management can entail. I like to work with people, coordinate, manage and see results. If there are problems, as is always the case in projects, you simply need to solve them. You can’t sit around and wait.’

    Maija Jokela, Managing Director, Ramboll Finland

    Read Maija's story

    CHEM alumni Sakari Hiidenheimo

    ‘In my own studies, I focused on environmental issues. I've always spent a lot of time in the wilderness and fishing, so environmental well-being is important to me. As minor subjects, I chose water and environmental engineering, and I also studied a lot about water treatment. I also complemented my studies with business courses. It was nice to be able to compile the studies with courses that really interest you.’

    Sakari Hiidenheimo, Development Manager, Neste

    Read Sakari's story

    kuva: Elisa Luoto ja Heidi Huovinen

    ‘We have made the whole journey together in our studies at Aalto University, and this shared journey has laid a good foundation of trust and desire to work together as design entrepreneurs. Our joint strength is in our innovative and creative thinking, and we enjoy getting into the flow of creative thinking and visualising the future goals of Young Finnish Design.’ 

    Elisa Luoto, CEO and co-founder, Young Finnish Design 

    Read the story

    Kuvassa Markus Puhakka seisoo puutarhamyymälässä, ja ympärillä näkyy viherkasveja.

    ‘The opportunity to include physical labour in my own work and to experience the growth in nature in the spring is very important to me. At the same time, I can use the things I have learned at the School of Business and in my earlier workplaces to develop the family business. It is a matter of the heart for me to develop our business, striving to make it more economically profitable and increasing the well-being of our work community.’ 

    Markus Puhakka, Head of Business Development, PuutarhaNikkarit 

    Read the story

    Vivian Phan leaning on a grey wall

    ‘In a field that’s so new and moving so rapidly you are taking a chance by becoming involved so early on. So, you just have to stick your neck out and see what opportunities become available. There’s uncertainty, but the studies also gave me an incredibly solid foundation in mathematics and physics in addition to everything else’ 

    Vivian Phan, Micro and Quantum Systems research group, Aalto University

    Read Vivian's story

    Alumna Carmen Fuentes Soria

    ‘I’m really interested in the sustainability issues related to space. I think we will benefit a lot from space and it will be revolutionary how it will improve our quality of life. But we need to be careful with it as it can’t be a resource we just exploit as we want. We must be cautious and respectful with it.’ 

    Carmen Fuentes Soria, System Engineer, Deimos Space

    Read the story

    Entrepreneurship and start-up culture at Aalto University

    Did you know that half of the Finnish start-ups founded in universities come from the Aalto community? There are around 70-100 new companies founded in our ecosystem every year.

    We want to inspire our students to think and learn like an entrepreneur by integrating entrepreneurial courses into all fields of study. Our aim is to provide all students with new tools for entrepreneurship and chances to develop their entrepreneurial mindset. Every Aalto student also has an opportunity to complete minor studies in entrepreneurship in Aalto Ventures Program.

    The driving force behind the entrepreneurial ecosystem is the low-hierarchy culture with empowered students. The student community is, indeed, an excellent environment to meet fellow students who are interested in entrepreneurship. There are many student-led communities and events in the Aalto ecosystem to watch out for! For example, Europe’s largest design hackathon Dash, hackathon and tech community Junction and the world’s leading start-up and tech conference Slush all have their origins in Aalto’s student community. 


    Advancing entrepreneurship and innovations

    Behind Aalto's entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem are both student-led entrepreneurial activities and the university's own research and innovation hubs.


    Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (external link)

    Europe’s largest and most active student-run entrepreneurship community.

    A group of students working on a presentation at Aalto Ventures Program

    Aalto Ventures Program

    The best way to predict the future is to build it. We teach students to build like an entrepreneur.

    International career

    Aalto encourages students to gain international experience by providing them with easy access to an exchange or internship period abroad. You can study and work abroad as well as actively take part in multicultural partnerships and projects. For someone who dreams of a truly international career, applying to an international joint master’s programme, that includes a mobility period in a foreign university can be the perfect choice. There are also different types of short-term mobilities and courses with international components.

    In Aalto’s multicultural community, you have plenty of opportunities to be part of international teams. You can find friends from all over the world through study projects or student union activities. The student associations and subject clubs also provide chances to take part in leisure trips and excursions to companies abroad.  

    Aalto University students at Learning Centre

    International Joint Degree Programmes

    Aalto University offers international joint degree programmes at master-level together with its partner universities in over 20 countries. These programmes have separate application periods and admission procedures from the rest of the master's programmes offered by Aalto University.

    Admission Services
    Students doing big soap bubbles in a party for semester start.

    International Associations | Aalto University Student Union (external link)

    Whether you are an exchange student, international degree student, or Finnish all the way, you can meet people from all over the world in the international associations.

    Aalto ranked as the #47 most international university in the world with more than 2200 international students representing 120 nationalities.

    Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking 2023

    Career stories from alumni and students

    There are as many career paths as there are people. Choosing certain programme will not definitively shape your future but there are many different ways to tailor your study and work life to fit your dreams. Aalto graduates work in different companies, non-profit organisations, associations and as entrepreneurs in Finland and abroad. The studies also give excellent foundations for those who want to pursue an academic career. 

    Aalto Squad student ambassadors looking at flyers at Talent Expo fair

    Navigating Employment Opportunities in Finland after Graduation (external link)

    Transitioning from a stable career as a Chemical Engineer to pursuing a Master's degree in Advanced Energy Solutions in Finland was not an easy decision for Anubhuti. To help others faced with the same life-changing decision, she offers a helping hand in her latest blog post by sharing insights into the prospects of securing employment after graduation from Aalto.

    Sofia Guridi pictured in a lab setting.

    Sofia Guridi is designing a better world with smart textiles

    Sofia Guridi, a doctoral student at Aalto University’s Bioinnovation Center, wants to introduce bio-based smart textiles that help improve people’s everyday life.

    Heli Julkunen seisoo talvisessa maisemassa ja katsoo hymyillen pois kamerasta. Hänellä on päällään valkoinen talvitakki ja taustalla näkyy sumua, puita ja lumihankia.

    If you study computer science, you may end up developing better cancer treatments by applying AI

    Heli Julkunen developed a machine learning method that predicts how different drug combinations kill cancer cells. After graduation she helped advance preventive healthcare as a data scientist.

    Bioinformaatioteknologian opiskelija Silva Robbins teekkarilakissa. Kuva: Markus Toivonen

    Student Silva Robbins: A career as a doctor is not the only option for those interested in medicine

    Silva studies bioinformation technology and participates actively in student life. She sees the Otaniemi campus as unique because it brings different fields and their student cultures together.

    A man in a soundproof studio waving an object to create sound

    Creating sounds and raising the bar - an interview with Film Sound Designer Iivo Korhonen

    Mundane sounds support the characters' personality and Iivo Korhonen is the one recording them. He encourages everyone to dream big, because sometimes that may become your reality.

    A portrait of Madhawa Basnayaka wearing a red sweater.

    Towards a sustainable packaging industry – Madhawa Basnayaka develops ecological and intelligent packaging

    Basnayaka’s doctoral research conducted at Aalto University’s Bioinnovation Center aims to find intelligent packaging solutions, in which biomaterial replaces electronics parts made of plastic.

    Kuvassa saara Hietanen seisoo Kauppakorkeakoulun aulassa portaiden edessä.

    Various career paths: tax expert Saara Hietanen is building a better world

    Saara Hietanen became interested in organisational activities in upper secondary school through her love for animals, but only started a career in organisations and advocacy work after working in an international auditing company. Instead of animal rights, Hietanen ended up promoting fair taxation.

    four band members posing on a small stage in colourful and shiny clothes

    Fashion designer, photographer and band join forces to create a magical summer utopia

    Fashion designer Justus Kantakoski and photographer Mortti Saarnia, were nominated for an EMMA Award this year for a music video for Suistamon Sähkö.

    Juhani with a bottle of Coca Cola

    Juhani Sibakov creates new bakery products at Fazer: "I get to influence what the majority of Finns eat"

    Juhani Sibakov is responsible for the development of new bakery products at Fazer.

    School of Chemical Engineering

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    Three students looking at a smartphone screen and smiling at a graduation party. Photo: Jaakko Kahilaniemi / Aalto University

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