Learn online
Work Now and in the Future: Tools for Thinking podcast
The Tools for Thinking -podcast offers information based on research and interdisciplinary perspectives, tools for one's own thinking and everyday work.
Adventures in Entrepreneurship Law
In the Adventures in Entrepreneurship Law talk show Petra Hietanen-Kunwald and Kalle Airo from Aalto University explore business law from an entrepreneurial point of view with expert guests. In some episodes their co-host is Moritz Scherleitner.
The talk show content is meant for education and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.
The Sustainable Building Saga podcast
The Sustainable Building Saga is a podcast about recent sustainability trends and developments in the field of building and living. It is aimed at those who work for or find interest in the sustainability of the built environment.
Future-led Learning podcast
The Future-led Learning podcast offers a platform for university educators to reflect their ideas about teaching and learning.
Career and life
The pace of change is getting more intense and that can be quite tiring. The online courses in career and life related themes can help you with reflecting your way of living, goals and meaningful work.
Art of Living (external link)
The aim of this course is to strengthen your understanding of the fundamental questions of a good life and how to make reasonable life choices.
Starting Up (external link)
Learn to think like an entrepreneur and to solve real-world problems by creating something new.
We transform the world with technology, and these changes have far-reaching impacts. In the technology online courses you can learn about topics related to information security, mobile software development and databases.
Hands-on scientific computing
Competence in data science and scientific computing in general requires a lot more than data science skills: there are many secondary skills needed to do practical work efficiently that are often not taught in courses. This course is more of a self-study guide to these skills and tools needed in scientific computing. Rather than a single guided course, it is more of a map to browse whenever a topic is relevant to one’s work.
Johdatus kryptografiaan
Currently available only in Finnish. Cryptography is used everywhere in the digital world and it is right in the center of information security. Cryptography is used to protect for example scrolling through social media, Whatsapp messaging and online banking services. This course will dive deep into the world of cryptography. The course will help you understand how cryptography is used in the society.
Device-agnostic design
This course will teach you what device-agnostic design is, what has led to the emergence of device-agnostic design, and what the present issues and challenges in device-agnostic design are.
FITech 101: Mobiilisovellukset ja niiden luominen
Want to know how to make programs that work on mobile devices and how they differ from programs on online or on computers? During this course, you will learn more about the Flutter application framework. The topics of the course are e.g. setting up a work environment, widgets and positioning, and using interfaces.
FITech 101: Data ja tieto
Learn basic knowledge and skills related to data and information management! Databases are present everywhere in our daily lives and the importance of customer databases and data is also constantly growing in the workplace. After completing this course, you will know what data and information are and you will understand the concepts that describe the amount of data. You will know how to manage data and know how to implement small-scale programs that use a database.
All digital services are based on software, and they would not exist without programmers. Online programming courses allow you to get to know programming and different programming languages.
Web software development
On this course, you will learn what web applications are, how they function, and how to build them with JavaScript and Deno. The focus in the course is on designing, implementing, and testing server-side web applications. Along the way, you’ll also learn to deploy applications to cloud environments, and learn the basics of building client-side functionality of web applications.
Modern and emerging programming languages: Rust
This course teaches the basics of Rust, a high-level all-purpose programming language that provides low-level access for blazingly fast performance with special focus on memory safety and concurrency.
Designing and building scalable web applications
The course introduces learners to the principles of building scalable web applications, focusing on recent advances in both client and server side development as well as on platforms and hosting solutions. Architectural patterns and their fit and need for different types of web applications are also considered.
FITech 101: Johdatus ohjelmointiin
After completing this online course, you will know the basic concepts of programming, and be able to read program code and implement small-scale programs.
FITech 101: Internet ja selainohjelmointi
On this online course, you will learn how the internet works, what happens when a browser downloads a web page, and how to create interactive, browser-based programmes.
Sustainability and circular economy
Questions related to the capacity of the planet change our lives in all its aspects. Get to know sustainability and circular economy topics in our online courses.
The new sustainability in business
This course – supported with latest academic research – is an easily accessible resource to update your sustainability knowledge to the present day. It is a hands-on, comprehensive course that explains how businesses can create sustainable value – not only for the economy, but also for the environment and society.
Climate University (external link)
Climate University advances climate change and sustainable development teaching and learning for a sustainable future in Finnish higher education institutions.
Other courses
Miten talous toimii?
Available only in Finnish. On this course, you will learn how we earn money, how wealth is divided in the world and how big problems emerge and can also be solved.
Design Bits
This is an introductory online course about design for non-designers: people who are curious about what design is, how designers work, and how to work with designers. On this course, you will learn the basics about design, how designers solve problems, and design tools.
Arkkitehtuurin historia
The course is currently available only in Finnish. On this course, you will dive into the history of architecture.
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