
Human Resource (HR) services contact details

HR contact details are collected on this page. Academic personnel can find their HR-support unit mainly by sorting by School and Departments, Service personnel's HR-support follows matrix organisation. Please log in for full contact details.
Location of Staff Service Point
The HR Service Point is located along the same corridor as IT Service Desk

HR Service Point

Aalto's six schools' joint HR Service Point serves personnel in the following matters:

  • Signing of employment contracts and visitor agreements
  • Verifying residence permit
  • Guidance on adding bank account details

Please bring long your passport/ID card to verify your identity and present your current permit for working at Aalto by either showing a residence permit card or visa (non EU citizens) or passport/ID card (EU/ETA and Nordic citizens). 

In other HR matters, please contact school HR team: contact information on this site below.

Contact and opening hours

Opening hours (until 27.6.2024): Monday – Thursday 10:00 – 15:00 (no appointment needed)

Opening hours (as of 6.8.2024): Tuesday – Thursday 12:00-15:00

Address: Undergraduate center, Otakaari 1, room Y195

The Service Point is closed on

  • 28 June - 5 August, 2024 - Summer break

School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM)

Laboratory work

HR Services - School of Chemical Engineering

Contact details for HR Services in the School of Chemical Engineering


School of Engineering (ENG)

Aalto ENG water engineering (photo: Mikko Raskinen)

HR Services - School of Engineering

Contact details for HR Services in the School of Engineering.


School of Science (SCI)

Learning Center upstairs

HR Services – School of Science

Contact information of the School of Science HR services and payroll team


School of Business (BIZ)

People studying in the School of Business main building with a large staircase in the background.

HR Services - School of Business

HR Services together with Aalto University's HR services support the School's departments and units with professional human resource services. Please contact us on all matters related to HR of the School and we will either help you or guide you to the right direction.


School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS)


HR services – School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Here you can find School of Arts, Design and Architecture HR services contact information.


University's Joint Services (U)

People in Dipoli stairs

HR Services contact information - Aalto University joint service units

HR Services contact information for the University Joint Service Units


Common HR services

Common HR services concentrates on university wide HR process development and operations. For employment matters support, please contact primarily your local unit's HR person.

Human Resources Director and Assistant

Riitta Silvennoinen


Marika Schröder

Executive Assistant

More on the subject

HR Services

Human Resource Services support your work and managerial duties at Aalto. We are available to help at every stage of the employment relationship. On this page you can find links to employment related information and contact information of the HR Services.

People in Dipoli stairs

International mobility of our staff index

International mobility of our staff index

Mikko Raskinen Aalto yliopisto Otaniemi

Competence development index

Personnel training & development, My Dialogues and more

Aino Huovio Aalto Yliopisto
This service is provided by:

HR Services

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