
Course implementation from teacher's view

On this page we explain some details of implementing a course: what to notice before, in the beginning, during, in the end, and after the course. If you are a new teacher or if you teach a new course, prepare well for the task and ask for support. Pedagogical experts and Learning Services in your school may help you. Discuss with other teachers at the department. The description is partly administrative, however, let students feel your own ambition into the topic!
Studying. Practical hints for the teacher

Teacher's check list in the course

On this page we explain some details of implementing a course from the viewpoint of a teacher-in-charge or a lecturer. Teacher's situation can be different based on his/her role (e.g., teacher-in-charge, lecturer, teaching assistant) or earlier teaching experience, whether the course is regular or varying, whether the course belongs to a certain programme or major. Your school or colleagues from your department may give more specific instructions and hints. There are some references to a book "Get Inspired!" which is freely available.

Additional information for teachers

Here you can find some useful links in addition to links below:

  • "Get Inspired! - A guide for successful teaching" (PDF in English, and PDF in Finnish). A very practical book written by pedagogical experts at Aalto in 2013
  • UNIPS modules. UNIPS (University Pedagogical Support in Finland) is a national project to provide online pedagogical material for university teachers
  • Academic policies and regulations at Aalto University (Into is student portal at Aalto) including Degree regulations, Examination guidelines, Code of academic integrity, etc.

Thesis advising in Aalto University

Thesis is an individual work, made by the student. Nevertheless, students have both right to receive advising and responsibility to ensure the quality of the thesis work by discussing with the thesis advisor during the process.



Löydät tämän sivun sisällöt Opettajan käsikirjasta vuoden 2024 alusta. Tätä sivua ei enää päivitetä ja se poistetaan käytöstä.

ITP student team working outside

The principles of feedback in education and student feedback in Aalto University

In Aalto, feedback is collected from students during different phases of their studies. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus in Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.

People learn together.

Aalto University pedagogical training for faculty

Are you looking to develop your skills as a teacher? Participate in Aalto pedagogical training!

Looking at course information on MyCourses

Digital services for teaching

The Teacher Services team develops digital services for teaching and learning and provides support for their use. The team is part of the Learning Services.

Five students working on a group project in the business school building.

Management of education

Continual development of the quality of teaching and learning is one of the university's key strategic objectives. Aalto University promotes a positive culture of learning. Special attention is paid to supporting the progress of studies and monitoring the study process to ensure learning outcomes.

Aalto Handbook

Contact information and school services for teachers

Kuvassa kaksi opiskelijaa tutkii tietokoneen ruutua pöydän molemmiin puolin.Photo: Unto Rautio

Learning Services

Aalto University Learning Services (LES) is responsible for all services which facilitate the smooth progression of studies at the university.

students talking and laughing

Teaching Forums at the School of Engineering

Teaching Forum is the primary community event for pedagogical development at the School of Engineering. Welcome all!

Henkilöt turvallisuuskoulutuksessa / Kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto

Support for Teaching - Learning Services at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Learning services arranges regular orientations for the new teachers.

This service is provided by:

Learning Services

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