School of Business

Services for employers at the School of Business

Through us you'll reach business students in various ways. We, for example, publish employers' job adverts, mediate recruitment messages and organize career events & fairs.
Four people sitting on a bench outside a Building with large glass windows and a School of Business logo. People are laughing.
Photographer Unto Rautio

We, at the School of Business Career Services, connect organisations and business students in various ways and channels. In addition to reaching out to the School of Business students, we work also closely with our colleagues at the Aalto University. We organise together various events such as the Summer Job Day and Aalto Talent Expo that combine the students from all fields at Aalto University.

Services to the Employers include: 

  1. mediating job and internship adverts (in Aalto JobTeaser),
  2. providing visibility through different kinds of events and marketing channels
  3. mediating thesis and project assignments (Aalto JobTeaser) and
  4. organizing several recruiting and career events (eg. Aalto Talent Expo and Summer Job Day)

Many opportunities for many needs

Below you'll find several articles on our employer services. If you need any help in choosing the right services, please be in touch!
(Our contact information below on the page)

Aalto-yliopisto/Aino Huovio

Aalto JobTeaser- Recruit a student

We help employers recruit Aalto University students by publishing work and internship adverts as well as thesis and project assignments in Aalto JobTeaser.

Kauppakorkeakoulun Cafe Kylterin edusta.

Build your Employer Brand at the School of Business

We offer marketing and event visibility services to employers at the School of Business

School of Business
Photo: Unto Rautio

Internships - School of Business

Internships are an efficient channel for recruitment, through which employers get valuable work contribution and information on the education at Aalto University. By hiring an intern, your organisation will gain the latest industry views and fresh ideas.

School of Business
Aalto University students doing group work, sitting at a table with their laptops and notebooks / photo by Aalto University, Aino Huovio

Hire an international student from the Aalto University School of Business for an internship

Hire an international student from the Aalto University School of Business for an internship

School of Business
Text Talent Expo - Aalto University's largest recruitment event in black backround

Talent Expo

Aalto University’s contact and recruitment event brings together students and employers of arts, business, design and technology.

Red background with text Summer Job Day

Summer Job Day -event

In this event arts, design, tech and business students meet employers offering summer jobs.


If you wish to connect with the other School's students (School of Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering or School of Science), please read more about the services here: Aalto University Career Design Lab Services for Employers

Some useful facts about the School of Business students:

Sources: School of Business Career Services survey, Aalto JobTeaser statistics and Aalto University School of Business 1 year placement survey.

More information

The Aalto Summer Job Fair helped me land my summer job! For us immigrants, those can be really hard to find.

Aalto University School of Business student (Career Services Survey 2024)

See also

Jaakko Honko lecture 6.6.2019, a question from the audience to the keynote speaker Risto Siilasmaa

Collaborate with us

We have a long tradition of co-operation with our alumni and the corporate world. We offer multiple forms of collaboration to our alumni, companies and other organizations as well as the public sector.

School of Business
Opiskelijoita käytävällä. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Aino Huovio

School of Business Graduates in Working Life

Aalto University School of Business Career Services follows the career development and labor market situation of School of Business graduates.

School of Business
Opiskelijoita rekrytointimessuilla

School of Business Career Services second-best in the Nordic region

Universum produces an annual careers report based on a student survey.

Aalto University School of Business offers wide range of career services for our students

Career Services for School of Business students

Aalto University School of Business Career Services offer a wide range of services to our students.

School of Business
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