Past projects
Research topics include:
- Innovation ecosystems for pre-market concept validation for sustainability and scalability for industry creation and convergence
- Service creation in human centric open ecosystems
- Sustainable growth through innovation in public sector interface
- Knowledge-based renewal of companies
- Economic, societal and social impacts of emerging technologies and technology enabled services
bIoTope (Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects) is an RIA (Research and Innovation action) project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, Call ICT30: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects.
E-Value Creation
Three approaches to value creation. Digital services and clean technology, health services and media services are at the focus of the examination.
Platform Value Now
The Platform Value Now project, funded by Finland’s Strategic Research Council, focuses on understanding the fast emerging platform ecosystems, their value creation dynamics and requirements of the supportive institutional environment.
SynchroniCity opens up a global IoT market where cities and businesses develop shared digital services to improve the lives of citizens and grow local economies.
Aalto Future Club
Inspiring and Actionable Thought Leadership Process and Platform for Sustainable Growth.
AmpliFIRE was a Support Action in the EC’s Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) initiative.
Energizing Urban Ecosystems (EUE).
Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) / CONCORD
CONCORD project was a coordination and support action project for EU's Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) Programme.
The Well-being and Energy Efficiency in Living (HEA) project looked for innovative solutions from the viewpoint of sustainable development by combining well-being sector customer insights and high technology appliance expertise.
Light Energy
Past project Light Energy.
SILVER - Supporting Independent LiVing for the Elderly through Robotics was a development project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7).
Smart Campus
The SMART CAMPUS project focused on the development of energy saving services and applications that integrate measurements into Intelligent Energy Management Systems for creating a Bi-directional Learning Process between public buildings and building users.
ACSI 2.0
ACSI as an Accelerator for System Level Changes.
ACSI was an action-learning camp addressing societal concerns in a new and highly effective manner.
Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks, CIP-ICT PSP-2009-3.
Future Internet Research and Experimentation, FP7-ICT-2009-5.
Electronic Participation Tools for Spatial Planning and Territorial Development.
Enhancing Innovation in Pre-commercial Public Purchasing Process, FP7-ICT-2009.9.3.
Systemic Innovations in Public Sector Interface.
WORK+LIFE was part of Tekes Built Environment programme TILA in which best practices for future cities were studied and developed, taking into consideration the emerging trends and needs of working and personal lives.
Open Cloud Ecosystem for New Value Creation (OCEAN).
IIT - Industrial Innovation in Transition
The Industrial Innovation in Transition (IIT) project aims to help realizing the innovation-based growth strategy for Europe through stimulating the modernisation of current practices of innovation management.
NeutralHost & LuxTurrim Ecosystem - Building the Digital Backbone for a Smart City
Nokia, together with a multidisciplinary group of companies and research groups, is creating the digital backbone of the smart city and new data-based services. In the second phase of the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem projects, the recently developed 5G smart pole concept is moving towards productization and practical piloting. Another major goal is to create a platform utilizing a wide variety of data in a reliable and secured way and develop new digital services to meet real needs of cities. This includes also evaluating and piloting of a Neutral host operating model for high-speed city networks. Through a two-year, EUR 26 million, intensive co-development effort the group of 26 partners target the global smart city markets worth tens of billions euros.
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