
For hourly-based teachers at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Welcome to teach at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Aalto ARTS). This site contains the most important notes for hourly-paid teachers to get you started working smoothly in Aalto ARTS.

Your supervisor has the main responsibility for your orientation. The table underneath shows other parties that you can ask for more guidelines.

Please note that the website is only accessible by Aalto's IT IDs.
People talking and working in the café in Harald Herlin Learning Center, white lamps hanging in front.
Aalto organizes pedagogical training, please find out different opportunities to develop your teaching skills


This section includes important information concerning your employment contract and beginning of employment.

Equality and diversity at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Aalto University is committed to promoting diversity, equality and non-discrimination in all its activities. We aim to provide a non-discriminatory, gender-equal and accessible environment in which employees and students with diverse backgrounds and duties receive equal treatment and are free to participate without discrimination in university activities.

Students at campus

Practical execution of courses and teaching

This section includes the most important points about teaching in the perspective of the hourly-based teacher.

Do you need more information about teaching?

You have several options to learn more about teaching at Aalto ARTS:

  1. Welcome to Aalto ARTS' Learning services -orientation, more info from [email protected]
  2. Independently studying the Aalto website, below is the link, which leads you to the most important information
Henkilöt turvallisuuskoulutuksessa / Kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto

Support for Teaching - Learning Services at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Learning services arranges regular orientations for the new teachers.

Teacher's handbook illustration: main image

Teacher’s Handbook

This handbook contains practical information for a teacher on teaching at Aalto University.


Löydät tämän sivun sisällöt Opettajan käsikirjasta vuoden 2024 alusta. Tätä sivua ei enää päivitetä ja se poistetaan käytöstä.

Three smiling persons and the text "let's move on with Sisu"


Basic information about Aalto's core information system for teaching and studying.


Registering to courses and the order of priority at Aalto ARTS

Information on registering to courses at Aalto ARTS and the order of priority.

sewing workshop

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture

At the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, hands-on learning is essential. Our students have access to one of the finest workshop environment in the world, with a very high workshop to student ratio.

Teaching services (ARTS)

Sari Tarvainen


Nina Sjölund

Suunnittelija, Opintoasiat

Ilona Virtanen


Heidi Tukiainen

Study Coordinator

Anne-Mari Karro

Study Coordinator

Linda Mäkinen

Pedagoginen asiantuntija

Johanna Korhonen

Study Coordinator

Teaching services is responsible for the curriculum design process, pedagogical support, support for masters thesis process, teaching demonstration assessments (Educational board), Tongji - commissioned education, teacher orientation and course feedback.

You can reach us all by sending email to [email protected].

This service is provided by:

Learning Services

Did you find what you were looking for? If not, please contact us.
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