School of Business

Dress code

The dress codes are very formal and listed separately for promovendi, their companions and the other guests invited to the conferment ceremony. In the conferment, the division of the promovendi into masters and doctors is visible in their colours. The colour of the masters is white, and that of the doctors is black.
Maisteripromovendit juhlakulkueessa 2022
Picture from the 2022 Procession

The conferment ceremony is not just a celebration, but also a play of sorts. It is a ritual, that actualises the transition of the promovendi as they go from student to master or graduate student to doctor. As in all plays, in the conferment ceremony there are roles to play, lines to recite, and costumes in which to dress. The dress code elevates the mood and the feeling of camaraderie and distinguishes the conferment from common parties.

In the conferment ceremony the division of the promovendi into masters and doctors is visible in their colours. The colour of the masters is white, and that of the doctors is black. Men wear black evening tailcoats and black trousers (white tie), so the colours are shown up more vividly in the gowns of the female promovendi and female companions. Black and white are reserved for promovendi and their companions, so other (female) guests must dress colours with the exception of the Act of Conferment. 

While the dress codes are given to women and men separately, everyone involved in the conferment has the right to follow the dress code of the gender they identify with. However, as the attires have a strong impact on the overall visuality of the events, we ask to maintain a consistency in dress. Please choose a role and stick with it throughout the conferment events. The choice of male or female dress code affects the grouping of participants in some of the events, as well as the dances. We are happy to help with any dress code related questions: [email protected]

Due to the Covid-19 situation, almost all universities in Finland will be celebrating their conferment ceremonies in the spring 2022. Hence, the hat tailors and dress rental shops are very busy during the spring. We strongly recommend ordering the hat and contacting rental shops already in the autumn 2021 to ensure availability.

Dress codes by roles

The dress code is not flexible, but there are clear instructions for each role and event separately. We expect that each promovendi, companions and guests will dress according to the dress code. As a reminder for the female promovendis and companions, no bags or purses are allowed at the conferment act. You can leave your purse to the cloakroom located in the main lobby of the Main building. Any small needed items may be kept in a hidden pocket sewn into the dress or in the tailcoat pockets of a companion.

More detailed instructions and FAQ


Contact information

Conferment office

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