
School of Business Ceremonial Conferment 2026

The next Ceremonial Conferment of Aalto University School of Business will take place in 2026.
Act of Conferment

The 17th Conferment of Degrees of the School of Business will be held in the spring of 2026. All information related to the School of Business's 2026 promotion will be available on these web pages later.

The 17th Ceremonial Conferment of the School of Business will take place in the spring of 2026. The ceremony in 2026, will confer master's degrees upon new alumni (promovendi) who graduated after March 31, 2022, and doctorates upon alumni who graduated after April 30, 2022. In addition to these young promovendi, jubilee masters and doctors from 1976 and the new honorary doctors of the School of Business will be conferred at the ceremony.

The Ceremonial Conferment adheres to academic traditions and ceremonies, and it is an internationally rare event. More information about the tradition can be found on The conferment tradition and Offitiang the conferment pages.

The dress code for all conferment events and roles (promovendi and companions, invitees) is strict and specific. The unified attire creates ambiance and is a stunning visual experience. Exact dress codes for each role and event can be found on the Dress code page.

Jubilee masters and jubilee doctors will also be re-conferred 50 years after their original conferment date. At the conferment, they represent a continuation of the conferment tradition from generation to generation. Read more about the Jubilee Conferment at: Jubilee Master's and Doctors.

The organizing of the Ceremonial Conferment is the responsibility of the conferment committee, which will be selected later. 

The publication of the 16th Ceremonial Conferment

You can read the ceremonial speeches from the previous conferment (2022) and get a sense of the atmosphere from the festivities of the conferment (see PDF below).

Elina Mäkelä is the Spirit of Mercury at the 16th Ceremonial Conferment of the School of Business

She is the daughter of Provost Kristiina Mäkelä, one of the longest serving professors at the School of Business

Read the article
Kuvassa näkyvät hymyilevät  provosti Kristiina Mäkelä, Merkuriuksen airut Elina Mäkelä ja Ari Mäkelä.

Read more about the Conferment Ceremonies at Aalto University:

Kauppakorkeakoulun promootio vuonna 2011

The next Ceremonial Conferment of Degrees at the School of Business will be celebrated in May 2022

Due to the COVID-19, the Ceremonial Conferment of Degrees has been postponed to May 2022.

Aalto University Graduation Party celebration in 2018. Photo by Aalto University / Heli Sorjonen

Academic events and traditions

Academic events cover the entire academic year from Aalto Day One all the way to the Ceremony Week with the graduation party and ceremonial conferments. Tenured professors' Installation Talks and public defences spread throughout the academic year.



Information, videos and photographs of Aalto University ceremonial conferments

Academic events and traditions

Contact information

Conferment office

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