
Master's Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering

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Planning your studies

Personal study plan (HOPS)

In practice, study planning consists of two things: selecting the content for your degree based on your interests and goals and scheduling the selected studies. The outcome of study planning is a personal study plan (HOPS), which is required from all students. The starting point of study planning is the most recent curriculum of your programme.

Study tracks

To help you choose your major courses, you can take a look at the study tracks offered in the Programme:

Studies in double degree programmes

In Electrical Power and Energy Engineering major, a student can also apply to complete their 2nd year of studies in Reykjavik Unviersity in Iceland and get a double degree. Read more about this great opportunity below.

Double degree with the Reykjavik University

Elective studies

You can find information on the studies that can be included in the elective studies, such as exchange studies, internships and language and communication studies, from other studies tab.

It is also possible to complete a minor in elective studies. You can find all minors offered at Aalto University from the Aalto University Minor Guide.

Credit transfer

Credit transfer means counting studies completed outside Aalto University towards your Aalto degree. Read more about credit transfer below.

Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Credit transfer

Credit transfer

Applications, instructions and guidelines

ELEC Student newsletters

ELEC Student newsletters

Study skills

Study Skills

Study skills consist of a number of areas, such as the management of study methods, self-management, acting in a community and regulation of personal emotions. Study skills are something you can learn, and these pages include ideas for developing your skills as well as links for sources of additional information.

Read more

Career planning

Career Design for Students

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design Lab

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