Equality, diversity and inclusion at Aalto

Accessible Aalto

Recognising and removing barriers is an on-going process requiring everyone’s input. The shared aim is an equal and enabling environment for studies, research and artistic activities.

Let´s go equal!

This page provides a collection of methods and ways to increase collaboration and communication to support each other in learning accessible practices for daily work.

Enabling barrier-free Aalto campus

Aalto University schools and units on Servicemap

Servicemap (external link)

All the services in the metropolitan area within your reach. Search for services, units or addresses, including Aalto University premises at Otaniemi

Students with bicycles in Otaniemi

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate - ACRE

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate (ACRE) maintains, develops and rents out Aalto University facilities in Otaniemi and Töölö. We also build new concepts and shared facilities for parties outside the university, thus turning Otaniemi into a unique partnership centre and the most inspiring campus in the world.

Learning Centre, Main lobby

Accessibility of the Harald Herlin Learning Centre

Accessibility of the services and premises of the Learning Centre.

Learning Centre
Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi

Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.

Pyörätuolilla liikkuva matkustaja siirtymässä metroon

Barrier-free environment (external link)

Barrier-free environment takes into account the diversity of people in designing and implementation (in Finnish).

Kulttuuria kaikille - Kultur för alla - Culture for All

In need of inspiration for accessibility and diversity work? Check out our checklist for museums (external link)

Accessibility and diversity checklist for exhibitions in English. Translated in cooperation with The Finnish National Committee of ICOM.

Accessibility of learning and teaching

ccessibility and equality are an integrated part of the work and competence development of teachers and staff. Learning Services and Human Resource Services advise, educate and encourage members of the university community to recognise barriers to studying and working. Our ways of learning and working may need to adapt to different learning and teaching methods, cultures and attitudes, in addition to mitigating the physical and visible barriers. 

Learning Services aims to support and train teachers to understand the benefits of different teaching and learning practices and for being able to guide students to use the services they need. Learning Services teams take accessibility into account as a factor that promotes well-being and study ability. At Aalto University, all students can focus on their studies with the highest degree of equality possible. For individual reasons, students can receive an extension to an examination period or use aids in their studies, for example. The school is obligated to take reasonable measures to organise an alternative mode of completing the study attainment. Such students are required to demonstrate the same level of knowledge and skills as the other students.

Aalto University guides and instructions for studying

Student Guide provides information on studying at Aalto University.

Student Guide

Study guide for all Aalto University students

Otakaari 1

Starting Point

A general student service point at Otakaari 1, room Y199a

Support services for students
Logo of Starting Point of Wellbeing

Starting Point of Wellbeing

The Starting Point of Wellbeing offers students easy access to counselling and advice on matters of well-being and study ability. The services available to you include drop-in (no reservation) advising/counselling sessions, peer support groups, and online materials. You can also make an appointment to receive individual counselling.

Study at Aalto

Individual counselling by study and career counselling psychologists

Aalto’s study and career counselling psychologists offer online and on-campus individual counselling to Aalto students. You can drop in at the Starting Point of Wellbeing for individual counselling without an appointment.

A woman working on a computer.

Study and career counselling psychologist services for doctoral students

The study and career counselling psychologists support doctoral students on their doctoral journey.

Study at Aalto
Opiskelijoiden tukeminen, ohjaus ja hyvinvointi

Student Services psychologist group

The Student Services psychologist group comprises Aalto’s study psychologists and the career counselling psychologist.

Aallon uudet opiskelijat luennolla

Individual study arrangements

Each Aalto student has a right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements for medical reasons. A medical reason may be dyslexia, a sensory impairment, mental health condition or learning difficulty. Individual study arrangements should not be seen as a reason to stop aiming for the set learning outcomes. Instead, they are a way of supporting the student in attaining the learning outcomes.

Examples of individual study arrangements include additional time for examinations (1 hour at Aalto), a private space or computer for examinations, or adjusted schedules.

Student guide illustration, exchange studies


Information about Erasmus+ scholarships for exchange mobility periods.

Other studies

Support for higher education offered by other operators

Personal and individual characteristics such as disability, illness or learning difficulties do not prevent participation in Aalto University's various activities. Accessibility support can be requested from various operators to facilitate participation.

Celia logo

Celia (celia.fi) (external link)

Finnish bibrary for accessible media.

Kela Fpa logo

Disability allowance for students (external link)

The allowance aims at supporting persons aged 16 years or over who have a disability or chronic illness in their daily lives, work or studies. The need and the amount of disability allowance is always assessed on an individual basis.

Opetushallituksen logo

Finnish National Agency for Education (external link)

Our core tasks are to develop education and training, early childhood education and lifelong learning and to promote internationalisation in Finland.

Opetushallituksen logo

Internationalization - yes please! (external link)

On the website Maailmalle.net you will find information about studies, work placements, volunteer work and youth exchanges abroad in Finnish and Swedish.

Opetushallituksen logo

Accessibility grants in the programme for Finnish language and culture (external link)

An injury, illness or a learning difficulty does not need to stop you from participating in the different opportunities offered by the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI). You can apply for an accessibility grant from us to help you participate.


Equality.fi (external link)

Equality.fi is a data base maintained by the Ministry of Justice and it contains information and tools for persons and organisations interested in promotion of equality and non-discrimination.

Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility is taken into account in the implementation of Aalto University's systems, websites, e-services, mobile applications and files in an equal manner and as required by the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services. The Teacher Services team within the Learning Services develops digital services for teaching and learning and provides related support.

Student at laptop. Photo by Aalto University / Aino Huovio

Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility guidance for Aalto web sites, e-services, mobile applications and documents to implement the national Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019).

Equality, diversity and inclusion at Aalto
Looking at course information on MyCourses

Digital services for teaching

The Teacher Services team develops digital services for teaching and learning and provides support for their use. The team is part of the Learning Services.


Accessible publishing

Theses, conference publications, articles and reports in the Aaltodoc publication archive. Search with the keywords 'accessibility', 'disability' or 'inclusion', for example.

publication platform training

Aaltodoc publication archive

Aaltodoc publication archive consists of materials produced in the university, such as theses, journal articles, conference publications and research materials produced by the schools of Aalto University.

Open science and research
A book and a pen with Aalto logo. Photo by Aino Huovio.

ACRIS, open access publishing and manuscript service

Instructions on open access publishing in ACRIS

Keyboard with blue keys for wheelchair, hearing aid and white stick

Make and publish accessible documents with the MS Accessibility Checker

Many Microsoft 365 apps include an Accessibility Checker that finds accessibility problems and lists suggestions.

Teaching and learning

Accessible communications

Saavutettavuus otetaan huomioon verkkoviestinnän yleisessä kehittämisessä. Viestintäpalvelut tukevat yliopiston toimijoita saavutettavuuteen liittyvässä sisäisessä viestinnässä, ja viestintäkanavissa tietoa julkaisevia ja päivittäviä henkilöitä saavutettavan julkaisemisen toteuttamisessa. 


Accessible communication

Learn about accessible digital communication at aalto.fi

Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Accessibility Implementation Plan

The three sections of the implementation plan describe concrete measures to put the plan in practice cost-effectively at schools and units to realize inclusion.

Aalto-yliopiston liput liehuvat salossa. Kuva: Aino Huovio

Aalto University Accessibility Implementation Plan 2022–2024

President Ilkka Niemelä confirmed the Aalto University Accessibility Implementation Plan for 2022–2024 on 1st February, 2022. The plan is based on the Aalto University strategy and supports well-being work and the work of the Aalto University Equality Committee. The implementation plan is attached as an appendix to the Aalto University Equality Plan. This page is for monitoring the implementation.

Equality, diversity and inclusion at Aalto
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