
Welcome Evening for new Master’s students at School of Business

Aalto University School of Business welcomes the students starting their Master’s studies to meet and mingle with the School of Business community – especially with the alumni graduated from the School! Event is part of the orientation week.
Aalto University School of Business building

The idea of the Welcome Evening is to encourage Master’s students to create networks, learn new things and find interesting career paths already in the beginning of their studies! The event is a part of the orientation week and is for everyone starting their Master’s studies at the Aalto University School of Business (also for the School of Business bachelor students continuing their Master’s and for Mikkeli students continuing their Master's in Otaniemi!).

In the event, there will be alumni representing all School of Business Master’s degree programs, see the participating alumni below! Our alumni will share their own experiences on how they have combined studying and learning with different career paths. In addition there is an interesting panel discussion with representatives from Aalto University School of Business partner companies!

As you have about two years to go until graduation, this event is an excellent way to start planning your future career, and our alumni are there to help and give you advice!


  • 15:45 - 16:00 Small snacks served
  • 16:00 - 16:05 Welcome words, Jonna Söderholm, Head of External Relations, School of Business
  • 16:05 - 16:35 Panel discussion: Relevant skills needed in working life and how to develop them during the Master’s stuies. Panel is hosted by KY Chair of the Board Tilda Leikola. Panelists are:

    Nina Zhao, People Consulting, EY
    Hoang Pham, Web Analyst, Kesko
    Tommi Raivisto, SVP, Chief Digital Officer, Alma Media
  • 16:35 - 16:45 Brief introductions of the alumni graduated from the School of Business
  • 16:45 - 18:00 Informal conversations and networking between the students and alumni

Please register for the event by 27th August (for catering purposes) You are welcome to join the event also without registering :)

You can find the participating alumni below. The event is held in English. 

Organizers: Aalto University School of Business Career Services and Alumni Relations
Inquiries: [email protected], [email protected]

Participating alumni

More detailed alumni descriptions and their regards for students can be found in Aalto JobTeaser (requires aalto credentials to log in). Please read the profiles before the event so you'll know who to meet :)

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