Department of Management Studies

Research in Organization and Management

Organization and Management comprises a broad group of scholars. Research and teaching in the discipline is informed by the recognition of complexities that pluralist demands from multiple stakeholder groups create for management.
Two stacks of business books

Research and teaching in our discipline focus on three main areas:

  • strategy practices, managerial cognition and institutional environments of organizations
  • sustainability management, corporate social responsibility, and business ethics
  • organizational behavior and human resource management

The interests of our group members extend further to innovation processes within companies and society at large, and to the study of academic work and management education as well as philosophy of management.

Our research rests on the discipline's core strength of pluralist and multi-vocal understandings of organizational settings as sites where actions are taken and decisions are made in the face of potentially incompatible demands and rationalities. 

Our researchers’ work spans disciplinary boundaries. We aim for cross-disciplinary research collaboration in the spirit of the Aalto University mission. The empirical phenomena we study are often complex and multifaceted; for example, sustainability challenges are systemic and call for joint efforts of researchers in different fields.

Our senior faculty members are active in international research communities and networks, serving in editorial positions and as editorial board members. Our strategic research partners in Finland include Aalto SCI (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) and Hanken School of Economics. We are active in SCANCOR at Stanford University, and collaborate with scholars from universities around the world.

Widely published research

Our discipline seeks actively to engage with the international academic community and practitioners. Members of our discipline have recently published their research in top tier journals such as:

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Human Relations
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Organization Science
  • Organization Studies
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • Strategic Management Journal

Projects and networks

Much of the research in the discipline takes place in international and Finnish collaborative projects, funded by e.g. the European Union, the Academy of Finland, and the Finnish Innovation Agency Tekes. We design our research projects to provide actionable knowledge for our partners and to accumulate comprehensive empirical data sets that enable high quality research. On-going research projects are also an important source of teaching materials.

Our scholars’ research collaboration involves companies, non-governmental organizations, the public sector, as well as Finnish and international universities. Together these networks provide tangible benefits for our students:

1)    Our collaboration with a variety of organizations offers our master’s students opportunities to design and conduct their thesis research in collaboration with practitioners in order to create real-life impact.

2)    Our doctoral students make use of collaborative ties by gaining insight and data on problems faced by companies and the public sector. Connections with leading scholars abroad provide our doctoral students with opportunities to spend periods studying abroad and to learn by working together with international scholars.

Aalto Global Impact Research New Global Photo: Roope Kiviranta

Strong societal impact

Our discipline has always been strong in terms of its societal impact. For example, our research projects inform companies and policy-makers in areas such as:

  • transition toward environmentally sustainable energy use in society
  • sustainability innovation
  • leadership development
  • strategy work.

We seek to accomplish societal impact in our core areas through innovative research projects involving business enterprises and other organizations. Our faculty is also actively involved in delivering tailored executive education, in professional associations, and funding bodies.

The discipline hosts Aalto Global Impact (AGI), which promotes and facilitates Aalto University’s research and education for global sustainable development.

Impact Investing Research Project
Quantum Computing – from Labs to Markets

Contact Information

Postal address

Aalto University
School of Business
Department of Management Studies
Organization and Management
P.O. Box 21230

Kauppakorkeakoulu, jonka edustalla istuu neljä opiskelijaa. Kuva: Unto Rautio / Aalto-yliopisto

School of Business

Ekonominaukio 1



Head of Department: Johanna Moisander

Unit Coordinator: Alexei Koveshnikov

Secretary: Manuela Shampemba

Recent publications

Elevating Business Models to the Ecosystem Level: Evidence from Web3 and Beyond

Annika Bengts, Ville Eloranta, Esko Hakanen, Taija Turunen, Valeska Tullney 2024 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

MNE–civil society interactions: a systematic review and research agenda

Kayleigh Bruijn, Panikos Georgallis, João Albino-Pimentel, Arno Kourula, Hildy Teegen 2024 Journal of International Business Studies

Deep transformations : A theory of degrowth

Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch, Iana Nesterova 2024

Media Review: A Routine Dynamics Perspective on the ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires

Anja Danner-Schröder, Kathrin Sele 2024 Organization Studies

Western and non-western leadership styles and employee wellbeing : a case of a high-power distance context

Mats Ehrnrooth, Alexei Koveshnikov, Evgeniya Balabanova, Heidi Wechtler 2024 Frontiers in Psychology

The Accelerating Disconnection of Work from Time and Place: New Questions for HR

Johannes Gartner, Kristiina Mäkelä, Jennie Sumelius, Hertta Vuorenmaa 2024 Research Handbook on Human Resource Management and Disruptive Technologies

Becoming response-able together in research fieldwork

Leni Grünbaum, Alice Wickström 2024 Ethics of Engagement in Research Practices: Response-ability in Organization and Management

Connecting Art, Maintenance, and Motherhood: How Ukeles’s Maintenance Art Shapes Understandings of Maintenance

Nil Gulari, Anna Dziuba, Astrid Huopalainen 2024 Gender Work and Organization

Media Review : Aesthetic Organizing at the Gutenberg Museum

Philip Gylfe 2024 Organization Studies

Rigour vs. Reality: Contextualizing Qualitative Research in the Low-Income Settings in Emerging Markets

Minna Halme, Rebecca Piekkari, Stelvia Matos, Marleen Wierenga, Jeremy Hall 2024 British Journal of Management
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
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