Aalto Handbook

Quality management

Aalto’s quality system is a management tool for the realisation of the university’s quality policy. It defines the quality management organisation, division of responsibility, procedures and resources.

Quality policy and the PDCA principle are the basis of our quality management.

Aalto quality system

Quality policy and system

The quality system is an entity of policies, procedures and processes.

Aalto Handbook
Infographics of the PDCA cykle

PDCA cycle

The quality management of Aalto University is based on the principle of continuous development, the PDCA cycle (Plan-do-Check-ACT).

Aalto Handbook

The organisation of quality management responsibilities at Aalto University is described below. Further details on the management of our operations within joint areas and schools are described in the management section of the Aalto Handbook.

Encore people

Quality management organisation

The quality system of Aalto University is an entity of policies, procedures and processes aimed at safeguarding and improving the quality of the university activities, its education, its research and other activities.

Aalto Handbook

Continuous improvement is at the heart of our quality management. The purpose of evaluations is to ensure the quality of and improve university activities and to embed the best joint operating methods in the organisation. Aalto University performs evaluations and surveys of different functions according to the university's evaluation programme. 

Aalto University evaluation programme 2023-2029

Assesment and Feedback

The purpose of evaluations is to ensure the quality of and improve university activities and to embed the best joint operating methods in the organisation.

Aalto Handbook

Risk management is a continual process and an essential part of Aalto University's strategic and operative planning, daily decision-making and internal control. Risk Management is aligned with the strategic objectives of the university and integrated into its annual processes. The risk evaluation is carried out as part of the University Review and the anticipation of future risks as part of the University Dialogue. The changes identified in the operating environment during the University Preview process also provide the basis for the anticipation of future risks.

Aalto's operations are steered and guided by bylaws, instructions, regulations and guidelines as well as policies and codes. Adherence to these regulative frameworks ensures that daily operations are undertaken lawfully, responsibly and consistently.


Bylaws, regulations, policies and guidelines

Aalto University bylaws, regulations, policies and guidelines

Aalto Handbook
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