Aalto Handbook

Assesment and Feedback

According to section 87 of the Universities Act, Finnish universities are required to evaluate their education, research and artistic activities and the impact thereof, and also take part in external evaluation of their activities and quality assurance systems on a regular basis. The purpose of these evaluations is to ensure the quality of and improve university activities and to embed the best joint operating methods in the organisation. Aalto University performs extensive evaluations and feedback surveys of different functions according to the university's evaluation programme.
Aalto University evaluation programme 2023-2029

University's evaluation programme

The university's unique evaluation programme is a common multi-year programme, according to which internal and external evaluation of university activities and the processing of the related schedules are carried out. This long-term evaluation programme plays a key role in ensuring that Aalto’s core activities are evaluated systematically and continuously and that quality management procedures are well-institutionalised at the university. 

Leadership Support Services (LSS) is responsible for preparing the programme. The President's Management Team (PMT) decides on the approval of the programme and the measures to be taken based on the results obtained from the evaluations. Aalto University Management Team (AMT) assesses the implementation of the programme and the need for updating it in University Review.

External and internal evaluations

The university's evaluation programme specifies a responsible body for each target of evaluation that plans and coordinates the implementation of the evaluation. The evaluation is performed by an evaluation group assembled on a case-specific basis. The target of evaluation carries out the self-assessment and data collection required for the evaluation according to instructions provided by the responsible body. Based on the material obtained and possible site visits, the evaluation group assesses various activities and produces an evaluation report and recommendations for further development. The management of the evaluation target is responsible for implementing the measures as part of everyday activities and their development. Different evaluation procedures ensure the continuous maintenance and development of the university quality system.

The university's self-evaluation, i.e., University Review, helps us to identify our internal and external strengths and areas for improvement. Internal reviews employ various forms of assessments and extensive feedback surveys.

External Evaluation

We regularly monitor the university's research, teaching and artistic activities as well as their effectiveness and quality. The evaluations are carried out by panels of international high-level experts.


University Review

Aalto University evaluates the implementation of the strategy utilising the feedback and results from the previous year.

Aalto talvella

Feedback system

Feedback is collected from students, staff and stakeholders. Hearing the voice of the Aalto community is instrumental for the development of the university's operations and activities. Also hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and education as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services.

We collect feedback from students on individual courses and degrees in order to produce systematic, comparable and purposeful data that can be used to ensure and improve teaching quality. We also receive feedback through the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and the student associations of the Aalto schools (e.g. guilds). Student feedback processes, survey results and the development measures taken at schools in response to the results are discussed in the annual reviews at both school and university levels.

The principles of feedback in education and student feedback in Aalto University

In Aalto, feedback is collected from students during different phases of their studies. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus in Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.

ITP student team working outside

Evaluation and feedback processes in teaching and learning

Aalto University takes part in national and international evaluations, audits and benchmarking activities, and self-evaluates its own planning and implementation processes in the areas of teaching and learning. In addition, Aalto monitors its students’ academic progress, graduation and employment, and collects feedback on the quality of education and learning from employers and graduates. Internal and external evaluations are conducted in accordance with a multiyear evaluation programme.

Kuva ryhmätyötä tekevistä opiskelijoista / kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto Unto RautioUnto_Rautio

Aalto's personnel well-being survey provides feedback on the factors affecting the personnel's well-being at work and thus enables development activities and the targeting of activities according to needs. The survey also gives the manager the opportunity to receive feedback on her/his work as a manager, as well as the factors affecting the well-being of team members.

Aalto University also collects feedback on various services by conducting inquiries and surveys regularly. 

Evaluations' link to development

Students studying together. Photo by Aino Huovio

Quality evaluations link to enhancement work

Quality evaluations are linked to enhancement works through a participatory approach

Aalto Handbook
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