Aalto Handbook

Evaluation and feedback processes in teaching and learning

Aalto University takes part in national and international evaluations, audits and benchmarking activities, and self-evaluates its own planning and implementation processes in the areas of teaching and learning. In addition, Aalto monitors its students’ academic progress, graduation and employment, and collects feedback on the quality of education and learning from employers and graduates. Internal and external evaluations are conducted in accordance with a multiyear evaluation programme.
Kuva ryhmätyötä tekevistä opiskelijoista / kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto Unto RautioUnto_Rautio

Aalto University takes part in national and international evaluations, audits and benchmarking activities, and self-evaluates its own planning and implementation processes in the areas of teaching and learning. In addition, Aalto monitors its students’ academic progress, graduation and employment, and collects feedback on the quality of education and learning from employers and graduates. Internal and external evaluations are conducted in accordance with a multiyear evaluation programme. The university and its schools are in charge of processing the feedback received as an outcome of the various evaluations and making use of it in the curriculum design processes of degree programmes and in the administrative and quality work conducted at school and university levels by Learning Services.

Quality policy and system

The quality system is an entity of policies, procedures and processes.

Aalto quality system

Evaluations at the national level

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture gives universities feedback on their operations and results  with the help of various indicators that measure the universities’ teaching and learning quality and influence their future levels of funding. The most important indicators (Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used by the ministry are from 2021:

  • Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s degrees
  • Continuous learning
  • Number of employed graduates and quality of employment
  • Student feedback

Evaluating teaching and learning at higher education institutions on a national level is the responsibility of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC),  which audits the quality systems of higher education institutions and conducts thematic and system evaluations at them. Aalto University was awarded the FINEEC Quality Label in 2016 and it is valid until 13 June 2022.

Evaluation at the university level

The purpose of the Teaching and Education Evaluation (TEE) conducted at Aalto is to assess the quality the university’s degree-granting education  through identifying the strengths and development areas of its degree programmes. The TEE evaluation is a self-evaluation, where Aalto teachers and students play a key role,  but external evaluators are also invited to contribute to it. The evaluation is carried out every 6–8 years on themes decided in detail by the Learning Services Steering Group (LeSG). Aalto University’s first TEE evaluation was conducted in 2010–2011.

Evaluating the quality of degree programmes and teaching

The Aalto degree programmes are evaluated annually on the basis of feedback as part of the schools’ programme reviews. Feedback on the programmes’ teaching quality is collected from students, alumni and various stakeholders by means of surveys, reports and accreditations.

The teaching competence of those applying to teaching positions is evaluated by a designated school-level committee both during the recruitment process and later as they advance on their career track. Applicants to teaching positions are required to demonstrate their teaching competence through a teaching portfolio, teaching demonstration, and an interview.

Evaluating student learning

The criteria for evaluating student performance are presented in the programme curricula and course descriptions. Teachers are encouraged to use various assessment methods in determining their students’ learning and competence levels. The practices for evaluating and approving student work is regulated by the Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying.

Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying

Feedback from students

We collect feedback from students on individual courses and degrees in order to produce systematic, comparable and purposeful data that can be used to ensure and improve teaching quality. We also receive feedback through the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and the student associations of the Aalto schools (e.g. guilds). Student feedback processes, survey results and the development measures taken at schools in response to the results are discussed in the annual reviews at both school and university levels.

The key student feedback surveys are:

  • Course feedback
  • Finnish Bachelor's Graduate Survey
  • Feedback survey for new graduates in engineering and architecture
  • Survey to those graduating with a MSc in Economics and Business Administration
  • International Student Barometer (ISB)
ITP student team working outside

The principles of feedback in education and student feedback in Aalto University

In Aalto, feedback is collected from students during different phases of their studies. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus in Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.


We collect feedback every other year from alumni who have earned their master’s or doctoral degree at Aalto University 3 or 5 years ago. The alumni feedback questionnaire charts the respondents’ labour market integration and career development, as well as their satisfaction with their degree and its relevance for the world of work.

Promoting the wellbeing of students and ensuring their continued ability to study are part of the Aalto University strategy. Feedback on student wellbeing is collected in the form of the AllWell? student wellbeing survey.

The AllWell? student survey

The AllWell? student survey is sent to all Aalto’s 2nd year bachelor's and 1st year master's students every year.

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