Aalto Handbook

External Evaluation

We regularly monitor the university's research, teaching, artistic activities and their effectiveness and quality. The evaluations are carried out by panels of international high-level experts.

The aim of external international evaluations is to identify the strengths in research and teaching as well as the potential for developing activities.

In the Research, Art and Impact assessment (RAI) held in 2018, an international panel of peer reviewers noted that our activities have a significant impact on society. Prior to this, Aalto participated in a Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) in 2009 to evaluate the quality of its research activities. The development of Aalto's research activities is also regularly monitored by Scientific (and Artistic) Advisory Boards (S(A)AB). For example, S(A)AB reviews were conducted in 2016 and, later in, 2021 with a focus on school and department strategic plans and follow up of the implementation of RAI recommendations from 2018.

Aalto University also participates in the international Teaching and learning Evaluation Exercise (TEE). This evaluation was carried out in 2011 and 2020, the latter with a focus on the strategic development of education at all degree levels. 

Explore topical issues regarding Aalto's major external evaluations, such as RAI, TEE and S(A)AB reviews on the following pages.

Two women analysing the content of a test tube

Research assessments

Aalto University regularly assess the quality of its research and artistic activities, and its societal impact. The assessment is based on internationally agreed best practices and peer review.

Research & Art
Accounting Impact

Scientific and Artistic Advisory Boards (SAB, SAAB)

The Scientific (and Artistic) Advisory Boards (SAB / SAAB) of our schools have an important function in supporting the development of the university.

Research & Art
A photo of Aalto University students discussing, photo by Aino Huovio

Teaching and learning evaluation exercise – TEE

The target of TEE 2020 is to identify needs for future development in education at Aalto, and make visible and evaluate the achievements during the 10 Aalto years.

Programme director's handbook

Audits and accreditations

The evaluation can be implemented in the form of an external audit and/or accreditation. In addition to strengthening quality, the aim of an audit/accreditation is to enhance the university's visibility and appeal. The target of evaluation can be the university as a whole, a certain school or a certain degree programme. The evaluation is performed by an evaluation group appointed by the auditing or accreditation body.

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Quality audit and accreditations

In addition to ensure the quality of different activities, audits and accreditations increase the visibility and attractiveness of the university.

Aalto Handbook

HR Excellence in Research audit

The European Commission grants the 'HR Excellence in Research' quality label to institutions that demonstrate progress in aligning their human resources policies to the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Aalto University, Learning@Aalto Assessment for Lifelong Learning, photo Jere Savolainen

Human Resources Excellence in Research

Aalto University has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” -award by the European Commission as the first university in Finland in 2012. This page contains information on the Human Resources Strategy for Researcher (HRS4R) -process at Aalto as well as our latest HRS4R Strategy and Action Plan.

Careers at Aalto
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